The Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC) Board of Directors has voted unanimously to waive qualifying for the 2020 Appaloosa World Championship Show Oct. 30 to Nov. 7, in Fort Worth, Texas, due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.
“We came at this decision the right way,” said President Ken Johnson. “We analyzed trends, gathered information, listened to our members, debated it among ourselves and resisted overtures to simply follow the lead of the AQHA and APHA.”
Johnson said he also recommended a plan to help Regional Clubs, which could be seriously disadvantaged, and even hurt financially, by the decision to waive qualifying.
“In a nutshell, the Board agreed to add an additional set of points to all ApHC-sanctioned shows,” he explained.
Here’s how it works: A 1-judge show will now be doubled-pointed. A three-judge show (where one judge is already doubled-pointed) will now have two double-pointed judges. And at a four-judge show, one of the judges will be doubled-pointed.
“During our discussions, Leslie Foxvog expressed concerned about the possibility of some unfairness since five shows have already been held around the country,” Johnson said. “She had a valid point. So, the approved motion (made by Kevin Griner and seconded by Karen Sartain) made my “Stimulus Plan,” as I called it, apply to every show held this year. The ApHC Show Staff (as it does for all shows), will now go back and randomly select an additional double-pointed judge through a computer system we use. Then additional points will be awarded accordingly to exhibitors at these five shows.
Johnson acknowledged that the plan sounds a bit confusing, but said in its essence, members should consider that every single show in 2020 (both those already held, as well as those yet to be held) will have another set of points rewarded to exhibitors.
Additionally, members will not be required to pay national point fees on the additional judge.
“From my standpoint, I believed very passionately that if we waived qualifying, we had an absolute obligation to throw our Regional Clubs a lifeline,” Johnson said.
On March 23, the ApHC Board of Directors announced the cancellation of all ApHC-sanctioned regional horse shows through May 1.
“With the Coronavirus spreading rapidly across the United States and our health care system nearing a tipping point, we had no choice but to cancel these shows,” Johnson said. “Nearly 40 percent of the nation’s population is now impacted by stay-at-home orders and that number is likely to rise in the weeks ahead. We have an obligation to safeguard our members and exhibitors, to the extent possible. While a very difficult decision for the entire Board, it was the socially responsible and necessary thing to do.”
Regional Clubs will have the option of applying fees already paid to the ApHC toward rescheduled shows or they can receive a refund.
“We’re going to do whatever we can to help our Regional Clubs through this difficult period,” Johnson said. “At least two cancelled shows have already been rescheduled, and we will work with others to find new dates which will work for them. Our show staff is making this a top priority.”As of now, the ApHC National Show & Youth World Championships, set for June 23-July 3, is still a go.
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