By Katie Navarra on August 9, 2016
Features, InStride Health

Halle Saywell’s talented Quarter Horse show partner, Gifted Invitation (Gracie) was cast in her stall one day during the 2015 Tom Powers Futurity in Michigan. In the process of getting herself free and back on her feet she suffered a serious injury to her coronet band. Over time, that progressed into a quarter crack, which eventually compromised the entire inside hoof wall […]
By Katie Navarra on May 8, 2016

Motherhood is one of life’s greatest gifts. Children provide the most challenging and the most memorable moments. “When you become a mother, your life changes in the greatest way possible,” said Kristen Galyean, of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mothers often put their personal hobbies or professional endeavors on hold to provide the care and the attention their children need. Despite sacrifices and comprises, most […]
By Katie Navarra on August 26, 2014

For 28 years Chereé Kirkbride was a successful hunter/jumper rider. In 1992 she decided to give Reining a try. Over the course of her riding career she collected a National Reining Horse Association Limited Non-Pro title, three World Championship titles, countless trophy buckles and saddles. “It got to the point where it was just hard […]
By Katie Navarra on February 10, 2014
(IN) STYLE, Features

Life, for Tom Balding, is about forks in the road. Forks in the road have led him from hot rods, to aerospace, sailboats and eventually, to horses. Forks in the road have lured him from his birthplace in Southern California to the open skies of Sheridan, Wyoming and from steady full time employment to the […]
By Katie Navarra on January 13, 2014
Features, People

It takes a dedicated individual to do the right thing, even when no one else is looking. It takes an empathetic individual to place the welfare of the horse above the desire to win. Clark Bradley is one of those individuals. Once a year, outstanding professional trainers who demonstrate character, integrity and stewardship in their […]