By admin on May 8, 2013

We know you love your horse and understand that vaccinations can help protect it from life-threatening diseases. But vaccines can come with side effects due to the immune stimulation they have to create. Most of these effects are mild and transient, but it’s important to be able to distinguish between minor side effects and those […]
By admin on May 7, 2013

Laminil is the first injectable drug treatment for acute and active chronic laminitis that inhibits the inflammatory response and the laminitis cascade. Laminil can treat both acute laminitis and active chronic laminitis. The drug is a mast cell stabilizer that inhibits inflammatory mediators and other chemicals from being released from the mast cell in excess. […]
By admin on April 25, 2013

Nutritional supplements containing probiotics are popular purchases for some horse owners, even if not all of these products’ label claims are backed by research. But some researchers are working to better understand these probiotics’ effects on horses. At the 2013 Western Veterinary Conference, held Feb. 17-21, in Las Vegas, Nev., one veterinarian presented research behind […]