Dalton says Yes to Ledford

On January 30, 2014 Ohio native Marissa Dalton said ‘Yes’ to the man of her dreams. Lee Ledford proposed on a snowy day in Ohio. The couple, who both attended Oklahoma State University, now reside in Wooster, Ohio.
On January 30, 2014 Ohio native Marissa Dalton said ‘Yes’ to the man of her dreams. Lee Ledford proposed on a snowy day in Ohio. The couple, who both attended Oklahoma State University, now reside in Wooster, Ohio.
Shane Dowdy of Argyle, Texas asked his long-time girlfriend, Jamie Hartman to marry him yesterday. The couple, both trainers at Shane Dowdy Horses are beyond excited to start this new chapter in their lives. Congratulations to the happy couple.
On New Year’s Eve surrounded by friends and family Ryan Humphrey and Megan Phillipsborn tied the knot. The couple, who have been dating for several years, are the proud parents to 8 month old daughter, Mia . Together they own and operate Humphrey Quarter Horses in Whitesboro, Texas, where they stand AQHA Stallion Born To […]
InStride Edition columnist Dr. Tanis MacDonald Walker DVM and her husband, Rob, welcomed a daughter, on Sept. 19. The new arrival, named Katherine Frances Walker, weighed in at 8 pounds and was 21 inches at birth. She is the first child for the couple who reside in Greenwood, Delaware. Dr. Tanis graduated from the Atlantic […]
When Kristina Papendick, of Rapid City South Dakota was a student at the University of South Carolina Brett Comer was studying Business just across the Palmetto state at Clemson. They could have easily crossed paths at the big Tigers/Gamecocks rivalry game. Afterall, his parents, Bill and Nancy Comer were USC grads and advised him to […]
It’s that bittersweet time of year again when you say goodbye to old friends and hello to new experiences. For some it means going off to college and being on your own for the first time. For others, it’s time to go out into the world and become the person you have studied your whole […]
Maggie Kerola and Brian Cox of Mr. Perry, Ohio, are happy to announce their recent engagement. Cox proposed on Memorial Day and the bride to be was so shocked by his proposal she literally fell over and gave herself a concussion. “I guess I got so excited I fell over,” Kerola says. “I am never […]
It’s that time of year again, baby time. And the trend seems to be, post as many baby pictures as possible. Just scroll down your newsfeed on Facebook and you’ll see an abundance of fillies and colts, all different sizes, colors, and breeds. It piqued my interest and I wanted to know more about these […]
On a warm May evening surrounded by friends and family Courtney Suzanne Ryan wed Mark Brockmueller in a romantic ceremony in the backyard of couple’s new home in Whitesboro, Texas. On hand to celebrate were her mother, Nancy Sue Ryan, and long-time friends including Amy Mackie Smith, Jennifer Allan Holt and Jamie West. “I could not […]