InStride Law

Some wacky equine laws still on the books

Some wacky equine laws still on the books

            A few years back, I wrote an article about some of the weirdest, strangest, and downright wackiest equine laws in the United States that I have come across.  Now, we are back for part two.  This month’s article takes a look at some more of those bizarre and outdated laws that may still be […]

Divorce: Ownership of horse can become tricky

Unfortunately, not all marriages end in happily ever after.  In fact, half of all marriages end in divorce.  Going through a divorce can be an emotional and traumatic experience for anyone.  This is especially true when children are involved or there are disputes about money. But when you’re a horse person, divorce can present a […]

Golf carts at shows present legal issues

Golf carts at shows present legal issues

It seems like horse shows and golf carts go hand in hand.  Everyone has one (or wishes they had one) to help get around the fairgrounds. Many horse shows are held at sprawling facilities where trekking from the stalls to the show ring to the show office to the horse trailer to the warm-up ring […]

Alternative treatment options raising legal issues

Alternative treatment options raising legal issues

An emerging area of equine law has been focused on the practice and licensing of equine sports therapy, chiropractic care, and massage.  Performance show horses, much like top Olympic athletes, are susceptible to injuries and other conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system.  In order to treat and help horses maintain peak physical performance, some horse owners […]

Animal welfare measures adopted

Animal welfare measures adopted

Recently, the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) Animal Welfare Commission met the at 2023 AQHA Convention in Fort Worth, Texas to discuss animal-welfare related rule changes recommendations.  The Animal Welfare Grievance Committee is made-up of industry professionals, including AQHA judges, AQHA Professional Horsemen, university professors, veterinarians and association professionals.  Several proposed rule changes were submitted […]

There’s a lot to consider when buying a new horse

There’s a lot to consider when buying a new horse

Many horses are bought and sold each October before, during, and after the All-American Quarter Horse Congress and this year will likely be no different.  While shopping for a new horse can be an exciting time, it can also be daunting.  To avoid buyer’s remorse, you should keep the following in mind when buying a […]

Understanding veterinary malpractice

Understanding veterinary malpractice

By Katherine Jarve As an attorney, I’ve seen many medical malpractice cases against doctors and other medical professionals for harm that they’ve negligently caused to their patients.   Medical malpractice cases are often difficult and very complicated.   Veterinary malpractice cases are no different. However, veterinary malpractice cases are filed far less often than medical malpractice cases.  […]

Defamation: Consequences of what you say and write

Defamation: Consequences of what you say and write

By Katherine Jarve Your reputation within the horse industry matters. Competitors and trainers alike spend years earning a favorable reputation within the industry. Unfortunately, your reputation for competency and honesty can sometimes be tarnished by gossip and rumor-mongering that runs rampant in the horse industry.  Let’s face it.  Competitors talk about other competitors and horse […]

Use caution when allowing others to help out at a show

Use caution when allowing others to help out at a show

With summer coming to an end, the fall show circuit is heating up.  Many horse show competitors will find themselves on the road for the next several weeks traveling across the country to make it to the final “big” championship shows of the year.  However, with school back in session and employers asking people to return to […]

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