By Katherine Jarve on May 26, 2017
InStride Law

Last month, we began a journey along the winding roads of Equine Activity Liability Laws (EALLs) and discovered how those complex paths can often lead to litigation. As mentioned, EALLs, adopted by all but a handful of States, are laws intended to limit the liability of those hosting or sponsoring equine activities for injuries caused […]
By Katherine Jarve on April 5, 2017
InStride Law

In past articles, we have taken a general look at Equine Activity Liability Laws and how they are intended to operate. As an equine attorney, I would estimate that at least half of the questions people ask have to do in some way with Equine Activity Liability Laws. Consequently, in the next few articles, I’d […]
By Katherine Jarve on March 15, 2017
InStride Law

In a previous article, we considered live horse auctions and some of the legal issues that might be encountered. In recent years, however, online horse auctions have grown increasingly more popular. Although I touched briefly on the subject in my last article, given the particular legal complications that can arise with online auctions, they certainly […]
By Katherine Jarve on February 15, 2017
InStride Law

In previous articles I looked at problems that can arise in horse sales in general. However, there is one form of horse sale not considered but which certainly merits a bit of attention —the auction. Horse auctions provide both buyers and sellers with certain advantages to private sales, but also come with their own set […]
By Katherine Jarve on January 1, 2017
InStride Law

Joe Jones is buying a pony for his young daughter. He’s looking for a gentle animal who’ll be easy to handle. He finds the perfect pony who seems to have a great temperament. The seller assures him it is as docile as a lamb. He signs the papers, hands over the money, and takes the […]
By Katherine Jarve on November 19, 2016
InStride Law

With the warm weather upon us, equine activity is on the rise. We see more riding, more showing, and more interaction with other horse owners. But what happens when we see too much? Suppose you are a witness to, or suspect horse abuse or cruelty? Unfortunately, it’s a fact of life that some people, either out of ignorance or ill-intent, […]
By Katherine Jarve on November 15, 2016
InStride Law

Economic times are tough and horse ownership is expensive. In recent years it has become more common for people to try to defray the cost of horse ownership by using their horses to earn some money on the side. Maybe it’s a young college student who decides to offer horse-drawn wagon rides on his family […]
By Katherine Jarve on June 20, 2016
InStride Law

As spring arrives and the weather gets warmer, many people focus more on outdoor activities and enjoying the fresh air. Equine enthusiasts are no exception. Trail riding becomes more popular and many horse owners consider taking their horses out on the roads. In many cities and towns, horse carriage rides experience a boom in business. Of course, while being a […]
By Katherine Jarve on May 11, 2016
InStride Law

If you are a horse owner, you have likely already realized that veterinary visits are a fact of life that cannot be avoided. In fact, most horse owners develop a positive and trusting relationship with their veterinarians over time. But what happens if your trusted vet makes a mistake that causes serious injury or even death to your beloved horse? […]
By Katherine Jarve on March 14, 2016
InStride Law

As the new year gets under way, many people are enjoying the benefits of equine ownership, some perhaps for the first time. Unfortunately, though, more than a few horse owners neglect one very important aspect of horse ownership: insurance. I have written about equine insurance before, but the beginning of the year is a great […]
By Katherine Jarve on January 5, 2016
AQHA, contracts, Horses, Law, Mati Jarve
InStride Law

While car commercials abound during this time of the year, most equine enthusiasts dream of a different kind of horse power. It’s no surprise that horse sales tend to increase this time of year. In recent years, trial periods in horse sales have become an increasingly popular option. However, while trial periods are designed to […]
By Katherine Jarve on August 29, 2015
InStride Law

Horse slaughter is never a pleasant topic to consider, and it often raises a host of emotions from people on both sides of the debate. Still, it is a fact of life, and most horse owners, at some point, face the question of what to do if a horse needs to be euthanized. Slaughterhouses used […]