InStride Law

Lip Chains: AQHA’s ban starting in 2016 sparks debate

Lip Chains: AQHA’s ban starting in 2016 sparks debate

Whether a horse is kept for business, pleasure, or a combination, every responsible equestrian wants to make sure that their horse is treated humanely. Sometimes, however, especially in the competition and show industry, the lines get a little blurred. A short while ago, we discussed some of the issues regarding “soring” in the gaited-horse industry […]

Equine Liability Statutes: Not always all-inclusive

Equine Liability Statutes: Not always all-inclusive

As every horse owner probably knows, while horse ownership has many rewards, it also comes with its fair share of woes, including the potential for liability. In last month’s article I talked about the concepts of negligence and strict liability, and when they may apply to situations involving your horse’s behavior. After reading that article, […]

Last but not Leased

Last but not Leased

Over the past few months, we’ve taken a long look at the process of purchasing a horse, exploring various options, considerations and pitfalls. While each purchase is unique in its own right, one fact remains the same—buying a horse is expensive! It’s not just the purchase price, but everything that comes with horse ownership…vet bills, […]

New Year, New Horse?

New Year, New Horse?

Welcome to 2015! It’s a brand new year, brimming with potential. Perhaps you decided to purchase a new horse for the New Year, or perhaps you are still thinking about it. We previously covered a host of practical considerations regarding equine purchases. Still, there are other less common aspects to equine purchases that merit a […]

New Year, New Horse?

New Year, New Horse?

Welcome to 2015! It’s a brand new year, brimming with potential. Perhaps you decided to purchase a new horse for the New Year, or perhaps you are still thinking about it. We previously covered a host of practical considerations regarding equine purchases. Still, there are other less common aspects to equine purchases that merit a […]

Buying a Horse

Buying a Horse

The moment has come—you’ve found the perfect horse, and you can’t wait to hitch him to your Christmas tree. The seller presents you with his “standard” Purchase Agreement, assures you all is well, and hands you a pen. Just sign on the line and the horse is all yours…simple as that. Or is it? In […]