By admin on August 15, 2014
News, Organizations

The 25th edition of the European Championship of American Quarter Horses is underway at the sprawling Gut-Matheshof facility in Kreuth, Germany. In early results, European champions have been crowned in cattle and halter competition. Sven Oser nabbed the top spot in senior cutting with his gelding Blue Boons Choice, a 2004 bay gelding by Duals Blue Boon […]
By admin on August 13, 2014

The 25th European Championship of American Quarter Horses kicked off last week in Kreuth, Germany, with some 500 horse-and-rider teams competing for the chance to earn a European champion title.Hosted by the Federation of European Quarter Horse Associations, the nine-day event brings together competitors and horses from more than 15 countries to compete for a shot at […]
By admin on August 1, 2014

The votes are in—after the AjPHA National Convention at the 2014 AjPHA Youth World Championship Show, AjPHA national directors were invited to vote for Youth to represent the association. For 2014–2015, the following Youth will the lead AjPHA: President: Meredith Milton, Aledo, Texas President-Elect: Sydney Schmidt, Lowman, New York Vice President: Mackenzie Chapman, Bellevue, Michigan Secretary: Anna Tucker, Dubberly, […]
By admin on July 14, 2014

Team USA came out on top at the 2014 American Quarter Horse Youth World Cup. After a second full day of international competition July 12, the top teams and riders were recognized July 13 during an awards brunch for the American Quarter Horse Youth World Cup. First up was recognition for the top all-around horse of […]
By admin on May 31, 2014

The qualifier packets for the 2014 Built Ford Tough AQHYA World Championship Show have been mailed. Qualifier packets for the 2014 Built Ford Tough AQHYA World Championship Show are in the mail. AQHA wants to ensure all qualifiers receive their packets before July 1, the entry deadline. Exhibitors who suspect they have earned a qualification to the […]
By admin on May 19, 2014
News, Organizations

The American Quarter Horse Association is excited to announce the judges for the 2014 Built Ford Tough AQHYA, Adequan Select andAQHA world championship shows.“Each year, our goal is to bring an outstanding roster of judges together to judge AQHA’s world championship shows,” said Don Treadway Jr., AQHA executive vice president. “There is only one World Show – and that […]
By admin on May 8, 2014
News, Organizations

These 2014–2015 AjPHA national directors from Zones 1, 4, 6 and 7 are excited to take the reins and help lead the masses of Paint-crazy Youth. Do you have what it takes to represent Paint-loving Youth at the national level? Learn more about the AjPHA national leadership programs here. Zone 1 Blayne Bell—Shelton, Washington I am […]
By admin on May 6, 2014
News, Organizations

The American Paint Horse Association is pleased to announce nine new judges carded by the association. A total of 26 APHA judge applicants were considered: 20 were invited to test for their cards April 28-30 at the APHA Judge Applicant School in Gainesville, Texas, and six European applicants tested for their cards in March at […]
By admin on March 26, 2014

Owners of Paints eligible for the Farnam Pleasure Stakes have a lot to crow about, thanks to APHA’s recent expansion of the program. Starting in 2014, the Farnam Pleasure Stakes will include classes for 2-, 3- and 4-year-old Paints, made eligible by their participation in the Farnam Breeders’ Trust Select Sale. The Farnam Pleasure Stakes […]
By admin on March 12, 2014

The American Quarter Horse AssociationExecutive Committee was elected at the2014 AQHA Convention in New Orleans. This five-person committee is responsible for implementing important decisions made by AQHA members through the Association’s board of directors. President Johnny Trotter Johnny Trotter of Hereford, Texas, has served as an AQHA director for 11 years. He has also served on the […]
By admin on March 12, 2014

The 2014 American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame inductees were honored at the Hall of Fame Banquet on March 9 at the 2014 American Quarter Horse Association Convention in New Orleans. “We are pleased to honor the 2014 American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame inductees,” said Don Treadway Jr., AQHA executive vice president. “These men and these horses have […]
By admin on March 12, 2014

Betty Flarida of Springfield, Ohio, received the 2013 Merle Wood Humanitarian Awardfrom the American Quarter Horse Foundation March 14 at the 2014 AQHA Convention in New Orleans. Flarida has always been “all in” when it comes to horses and youth and giving back to the industry. A youth adviser for the Ohio Quarter Horse Association from […]