By Sarah Welk Baynum on September 24, 2024
Aaron Moses, american quarter horse, APHA, AQHA, Blake Britton, Horse, Horses, NSBA, showing, Western Pleasure, Western Riding, World Show

Western Pleasure. In terms of entries, it’s traditionally been one of the most popular classes at American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) and American Paint Horse Association (APHA) and other breed association events. Large purses and prestigious titles have traditionally drawn big numbers to the pen to be evaluated on quality of movement. The National Snaffle […]
By admin on July 26, 2018
Features, Training

The beauty that results when a Showmanship team performs with perfect unison is something every competitor strives to achieve. In 2017 Ashley Hadock, of Henderson, Tennessee laid down such a pattern with her beloved show partner, Touched N Moonlite, helping her to win the Amateur Showmanship at the All-American Quarter Horse Congress. She compares the […]
By admin on February 9, 2018
Features, Training

One might say that it takes a village to select the right breeding cross, get a prospect safely on the ground, trained and campaigned to the winner’s circle. Colt breakers are a part of that critical village for many of today’s top trainers. And if you don’t believe they are an important piece to the […]
By admin on June 12, 2015
Features, Training

It’s the never ending hours in the barn, the day- to-day hard work in the saddle and the countless miles down the highway that make life as a horse trainer, a profession like no other. Getting horses ready to show is challenging enough, but trainers must also be able to manage all the financial […]
By admin on February 13, 2015
Features, Training

Equitation riders don’t have the benefit of flashy, color-coordinated outfits to help leave a lasting impression on the judges. “You just have to be a great rider,” says Darla Lee, owner/trainer at Lee Quarter Horses in Plain City, Ohio. Compared with their peers who compete in Horsemanship, Equitation riders must also be physically stronger riders […]
By admin on January 20, 2015
Features, Training

Winning Equitation Over Fences rides appear effortless. Horse and rider work in harmony to execute tight turns, negotiate stride lengths and float over each fence. Ask any over fences exhibitor and they will tell you, a good “go” is far from effortless. “A well designed course tests a rider’s ability to plan out the best […]
By admin on December 22, 2014
Features, Training

You hear the announcer’s voice asking for the lope, and you hesitate, nervously hoping for a smooth transition. Then the soothing voice comes out of nowhere, urging you to relax and take a deep breath, then ask softly for the lope. You breathe deeply, cueing for the lope as you have a hundred times, as […]
By admin on November 20, 2014
Features, Training

“Let’s be honest, Horsemanship patterns are mini Reining patterns,” says Abi Buckwalter, of Westminster, Maryland. As an Amateur rider this year who competes at American Quarter Horse Association sanctioned shows, Buckwalter earned her youth superior in horsemanship and finished 12th at the 2013 Built Ford Tough AQHA Youth World Championship and the 2013 All-American Quarter […]
By admin on May 19, 2014
Features, Training

There’s nothing like purchasing a new pair of boots. Chances are they were a very significant investment and were made by a reputable company. You’re proud to show them off, but no matter how hard you try to break them in, there is still one spot that pinches your toe, rubs your ankle or squeezes […]
By admin on May 6, 2014
Features, Training

The Open Western Pleasure arena has long been dominated by men. But over the years some very talented women trainers have found a way to lope to the front of the line – sometimes right past their husbands. Exact records of points and money earned do not exist in any organization but you don’t need […]
By admin on April 18, 2014
(IN) HEALTH, Training

You saddle up for a normal day of riding or showing and find that your horse doesn’t feel like himself. He’s not moving or acting like he usually does. Is it a training issue or a physical issue? An equine sports medicine specialist is trained to diagnose the source of performance problems by evaluating one […]
By admin on March 28, 2014
Features, Training

In recent years, the Trail class has become very popular, with much tougher competition. As the level of competition has increased, so has the level of difficulty. The class where show horses that didn’t quite make the pleasure grade found themselves has become a priority class in its own right, with both horses and exhibitors […]