Good Girlz Do
The entry deadlines have been extended for all sessions of the 52nd Annual Congress Super Sale”, announces Mike Jennings, of the auction management firm, Professional Horse Services, LLC. “We want to receive entries by Tuesday, September 4th, for all 3 sessions of the Auction. This is an active time of year for major shows and futurities with many people on the road a lot, so we try to accommodate those schedules. The Congress Super Sale has consistently been the Best Show Horse Sale in America and is held with the All American Quarter Horse Congress, produced by the Ohio Quarter Horse Association (OQHA).
In 2018 the NEW Yearling Sale Stakes Session for Hunter Under Saddle prospects joins the popular Western Pleasure Yearling Sale Stakes and the “Super Session” for show horses, breeding stock and other prospects.
In the second year for the program the 2018 Congress Super Sale Western Pleasure Sale Stakes entries will compete for a total purse of $72,250 from the auction fees plus another $10,000 added by OQHA for Limited riders placing in the Open and Non Pro classes.
The 2017 Congress Super Sale Yearling Stakes Session featured 90 yearling Western Pleasure prospects that went through the Sale Ring for an average final bid price of $12,789 (including No Sales) with gross sale of $1,151,000, realizing a 28% increase over 2016. Sixty-four yearlings actually sold for an Average of $11,173 (a 30% increase over 2016).
OQHA has added a NEW Hunter Under Saddle Yearling Sale Stakes session for the 2018 Congress Super Sale, based on the success of the inaugural Western Pleasure Sale Stake sale session and 2 year-old classes, as well as requests from breeders of English Quarter Horses, Paints and Appaloosas.

Momma Made M eHot
A $10,000 purse is guaranteed by OQHA for the 2019 Hunter Under Saddle Sale Stakes Class for 2 year-olds. Once 15 horses pay the nomination fees the purse will grow larger. Just as the Western Sale Stakes Session, sellers will only pay an additional $100 to enter yearlings in the Sale Stakes Session of the Congress Super Sale. Buyers will pay a $250 sustaining fee to keep the horse eligible. A horse that goes through the sale ring, and does not sell, will continue to be eligible by the Seller paying the full commission and the sustaining fee of $250.
The 2017 Super Session saw 90%, of the sixty horses offered, sell to new owners. The Super Session High Selling horse at $19,000 was Tyquela, a two year-old Western Pleasure Futurity Champion, by the Canadian sire, Ty.
2018 Auction Highlights, among early entries, include: Good Girls Do, a filly by RL Best Of Sudden and out of Good Luck Girl, Congress Masters Champion and World Champion producer, that is a full sister to the 2017 high selling gelding and Mama Made Me Hot, a filly sired by Machine Made and out of One Hot Mouse, dam of earners of more than $100,000 in NSBA, Congress Masters Champion, 2018 NSBA World Champion 2 Year-old Western Pleasure and much more. Buyer can shop horses from these consignors Gumz Farms, Voge Quarter Horses, John & Karen Boxell, Richland Ranch, Jerry Powers, Steve and Susan Thompson, Kyle Defreece, Alderson Farms, Capital Quarter Horses and other top breeders and owners.
To enter a horse in the Congress Super Sale, find the online entry form or a downloadable form on the Pro Horse Services website at https://prohorseservices.com/2018/2018-congress-super-sale/
For more information on the All American Quarter Horse Congress go to http://www.quarterhorsecongress.com/
The Super Sale is managed for OQHA by Mike and Stephanie Jennings of Professional Horse Services, LLC.. For entry forms and information contact them directly by email at Info@ProHorseServices.com or by phone at 855-272-3905.
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