The following guidelines have been put in place in accordance with OKC Fairgrounds requirements and the recommendations of the CDC and WHO regarding social distancing and public health. Attendees should review the current CDC and WHO guidelines prior to the event and refrain from attending the show if they have been in contact with anyone exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms within the last 14 days, have a fever or other symptoms, or are immune compromised.
The Built Ford Tough AQHYA World Championship Show will be closed to the general public. Participants, family, vendors and staff may attend in accordance with the health protocols contained herein and any applicable local, state or federal mandates.
If you test positive for COVID-19 during the Ford Youth World, please contact show management at 614-207-3152.
If you contract COVID-19 while attending the Ford Youth World and test positive within 14 days of the event, please contact worldshow@aqha.org.
If you have a professional service provider (i.e. braiders, banders, farriers, veterinarians etc.) attending to your horses, ask them to review these protocols and sanitize between clients.
Exhibitors and Show Arenas
- Individuals shall not congregate in groups larger than 10 people and must follow social- distancing guidelines.
- Exhibitors and attendees will be held responsible for providing and utilizing their own personal protective equipment, including but not limited to face protection, personal hand sanitizer, gloves, etc.
- AQHA will provide exhibitors one complimentary face covering per exhibitor packet. Additional face coverings will be available for purchase, while supplies lasts. Proceeds from the sale of the face coverings will be donated to the Youth Scholarship Fund.
- Exhibitors and attendees are required to wear face protection/face coverings in common areas, including but not limited to the stands, show office, trade show and bathrooms. Face protection astride and at halter is optional. (Children under age 2, or anyone who has trouble breathing, is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance are not required to wear face protection.)
- Social distancing in the barns is required, when not wearing face protection.
- Daily temperature screenings are the responsibility of each individual at the show. Additional screenings with no-touch thermometers may be required for entry. Based on guidance from health authorities, anyone with a temperature of 100F or above should not attend.
- Riders and individuals on foot must keep at least 6 feet of space between each other at all times.
- Arena entrance/exits will be arranged so that riders are not coming in close contact entering andexiting the arenas. Riders are to follow directions for entering/exiting. Loitering is not allowedaround the gate or steward stand areas.
- Riders shall maintain social distancing guidelines at all times including, but not limited to, thewarm-up and show arenas.
- Respect the show stewards’ and gate person’s personal space and maintain proper socialdistancing when interacting with him/her.
- Outside spectators will not be allowed. Exhibitors are encouraged to limit the number of people intheir group (i.e. parents, spouse, a single family member and coach).
- Only exhibitors and trainers in the class currently working may be in the adjacent warm-up arena.
- No foot traffic (including trainers, family, etc.) allowed at the in-gates. Foot traffic must go to thestands to watch the class.
- With regard to the other, non-showing rings, we will ask a limit of 2 people/horses per 1,000 sq.ft. (i.e. the Performance Arena is 30,000 sq. ft. and would permit up to 60 people and/or horses at one time warming up. Barn 8 Arena is approximately the same size. Super Barn arena is 22,000 sq. ft. and would permit 44 people/horses. All individuals on the ground or assisting riders will be asked to maintain a 6-foot social-distancing standard at all times. This will be a challenge as you are approaching the competition ring, but you will be asked to respect that distance).
- Those seated in the stands will be asked to leave two (2) vacant seats between each person from a separate household or household contact.
- Every other aisleway in the seating area shall be blocked off for safe distancing.
- Exhibitors and attendees must deliver a signed liability release and waiver as they pick up theirentry packet and back number. Please print this form and bring it with you to assist in office efficiency. The form will be required to pick up entry information in the Show Office and is available at www.aqha.com/youthworld.
- Exhibitors were required to pre-enter and complete all paperwork online.
- Show Office capacity will be limited to one person per actively staffed front desk computer, plus one person in the waiting area for the next in line. Only one person is allowed at each station.
- Show Office will provide at least 6-foot distancing for check-ins areas and in locations wherelines form.
- Show Office personnel will have a protective barrier separating them from exhibitors.
- Show Office will provide sanitizing wipes and/or sanitize entry and exit points of office regularly.When possible, doors will be left open during check-in or periods of high traffic for air flow.
- Separate entrance/exit doors will be marked to minimize crossing of people.
- To minimize contact, communication will involve radios, phones, announcements, etc.
- Stall and VIP RV reservations will be coordinated by AQHA prior to the event. All other RVneeds will be handled directly by the facility at 405-948-6713.
- Results and scoresheets will be posted online only.
• Draws will be posted online and at other appropriate locations. Exhibitors are encouraged to use the online draws and only check the posted draws to confirm scratches or adds. Do not crowd the gate person or announcer.
No-Contact Options
With these no-contact options, you can limit your interaction with the Show Office. You will only need to pick up your entry packet and back numbers.
- Patterns, working orders, results and scoresheets will be available online.
- Pre-order your shaving through the Feed & Bedding Office 405-948-6786.
- Subscribe to AQHA’s Text Alert System by texting “AQHA” to 806-576-0913.
Staff & Other Areas
- AQHA personnel are required to adhere to social-distancing protocols, daily temperature screenings and to wear face coverings to safeguard themselves and exhibitors to help mitigate the risk of spreading the virus.
- The announcer stands, judge tables, seats, microphones, etc. shall be wiped down before each performance by the facility with a disinfectant solution.
- Only AQHA personnel are allowed to access the announcer stands, paddock stands and judge tables.
- Signage will be placed around seating areas and throughout the facility in potentially congested areas regarding safe distancing. These areas include the warm-up arenas, offices, restaurants, restrooms, etc.
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