Now is the time to turn horses or saddles into cash or shop for your new horse.
Entries are still accepted for the two April Internet Auctions. Shoppers can view the Internet auction catalogs for the Spring Reiner and Cow Horse Internet Auction and the April Internet Auction,” according to Mike Jennings of Professional Horse Services, LLC.
“The auctions have been combined and bidding will open on Monday, April 6 and close on Thursday evening, April 9. The Spring Reiner and Cow Horse Internet Auction horses will sell first, followed by the saddles and then the April Internet Auction entries,” Jennings said. “Our Internet Auction format allows for actively marketing and shopping horses while practicing social distancing. Sellers may now have the time and help to prepare horses for good photos and videos. Horse transporters are still active and can move horses to their new owners.”
Entries are still accepted until April 3 – Entry fees have been reduced to help sellers during this time. Our standard policy is to offer sellers a second auction at no additional cost if a horse does not sell in the first auction. Sellers can try to sell now, knowing that if it doesn’t work, they can offer their horse in the May Internet auction or one of our Internet auctions throughout the year. Entry Forms for the auction can be found on the Professional Horse Services, LLC website – https://prohorseservices.com/internet-auctions/
Sellers can use the convenient Online Entry form or download a form to complete and return by fax or email.
The Internet Auction Catalog is posted for viewing and shopping the early entries. Go to: https://internethorseauctions.com/auction.php?aucid=371.
Contact Sellers and shopping – Once a bidder has created their log in account they will be able to access contact information for the sellers to get more information. Pro Horse Services recommends that buyers contact sellers and get as much information as they need to make a successful purchase.

Saddles will be accepted for this auction. Several nice quality saddles have already been consigned including Reining, Ranch, Cutting, Roping and a fancy Western Pleasure show saddle.
Early entries in the Spring Reiner & Cow Horse Auction include these outstanding horses: Lot No. 102 – Splashin In The Wave, a 2008 AQHA gelding that has earned $9,594 in NRHA; Lot No. 101 – Lil Miss Red Pine, a 2011 AQHA mare, AQHYA Reserve World Champion in Ranch Riding and earned $7,753 in NRHA Reining; Lot No. 103 – Dashing For Buckles, a 2016 AQHA gelding that was started as a Reiner, has worked the flag and been on trails, Lot No. 105 – Hollywood Reeboks, a 2017 AQHA red roan gelding, a Reining and Ranch event prospect; Lot No. 104 – Runnin For Cocktails, a 2019 AQHA stallion, by Wimpyneedsacocktail, that is enrolled in NRHA and NRBC.
The April Internet Auction features some proven show horses and well-bred prospects including: Lot No. 301 – Kissmyblazingasset, 2013 AQHA gelding, that is Open and Youth Performance ROM, with points in Hunter Under Saddle, Equitation, Showmanship and Performance Halter; Lot No. 304 – No Doubt Girl, a 2017 AQHA mare by No Doubt Im Lazy, a Western Pleasure prospect; Lot No. 302 – Look At Us, a 2019 APHA bay Tobiano gelding by Music Row, a Gorgeous longe line prospect; Lot No. 305 – Willy Be Cruzin, a 2016 AQHA gelding, 16.2 hands, that has shown in Hunter Under and Lot No. 303 – Ms Classy Intentions, a 2018 APHA Overo mare by Intensions, a great Halter prospect.

Some very nice Appaloosas have been entered recently including, Lot No. 309 – Ms Dream Designer (ApHC) – 2008 mare, ApHC Youth World Champion & Reserve World Champion, Bronze Medallion and Halter point earner Producer; Lot No. 312 – Harmony Hunter (ApHC) 2017 mare, third World Show 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle, third World Show 2 & 3-Year-Old Hunter In Hand; Lot No. 311 – Ya Think (ApHC) 2017 gelding, ApHC Reserve High Point 2YO Gelding, Open Halter ROM and Lot No. 310 – Burn Out (ApHC) 2017 gelding, a Flashy Prospect for Pleasure or Ranch Classes.
Mike and Stephanie Jennings, of Professional Horse Services, LLC are the industry leaders in Internet Auction marketing for Quarter Horses, Paints and Appaloosas. The Pro Horse Services INTERNET Auction platform has SOLD 2,374 horses for $9,466,250.
To obtain more information about selling or bidding on horses in the Spring Reiner & Cow Horse Auction or the April Internet Auction contact Professional Horse Services, LLC, by email Info@ProHorseServices.com or call 855-272-3905. You can also go to https://prohorseservices.com/
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