Landon Battey and Zippos MaryJane winning Performance Halter Mares.
If you have ever wanted to compete at the Palomino Youth World Show but were afraid you didn’t have enough experience to be successful, you will want to hear about Stephanie Brown and Landon Battey.
Stephanie is just 11 years old and from Sanger, Texas. Landon is 13 and hails from Wilton, Iowa. Both are competing in Tunica, Mississippi at the 2018 Palomino Horse Breeders of America (PHBA) Youth World Show for the very first time.
Both are going home with some impressive titles.
In the very first class of this year’s show, in an event he has only shown in at two weekend shows in the past, and in his words, “hardly practiced at all” Landon and his show partner, Zippos MaryJane, claimed a Reserve World Championship title out of 22 entries.
“It was a lot of fun,” Landon said. “She (Zippos MaryJane) really likes that class and we got along really well in it.”
Then Landon and MaryJane won a World Championship title in Performance Halter Mares and they placed sixth in Youth Showmanship 13 & Under.

Stephanie Brown and Heza Izzy Roper in Showmanship.
Stephanie and her show partner, Heza Izzy Roper, have competed in three events so far – Walk-Trot Showmanship 12-18, Walk-Trot Western Pleasure 12-18 and Walk-Trot Horsemanship 12-18. They were Reserve Champions in Showmanship and Western Pleasure and placed fifth in Horsemanship.
Not a bad way to start your career.
“Our spins in the Showmanship pattern were good and really helped us,” Stephanie said.
The daughter of trainer Justin Brown, Stephanie says her dad helps her practice the most. Heza Izzy Roper is a 2007 gelding by Mr Izzy Fine and out of Bee My Glamour Doll, and is owned by Larry Bollich, of Hankamer, Texas.
“He likes to give me kisses,” she said. “His good attitude and willingness to please make him a good Showmanship horse.”
Stephanie is having a blast at this year’s World Show.
“It’s going great,” she said. “I’ve met a lot of new friends.”
They will compete for the last time here today in Walk-Trot Trail 12-18.
Landon is finished competing for this year. He was entered in Western Pleasure and Hunter Under Saddle classes but MaryJane was sore a month ago and needed some rest. She’s fine now but the pair lost some valuable work and practice time. Landon says they will be back next year, hopefully to compete in all the classes.

Landon gets a congratulations from trainer Shawn Kristin Budke.
They compete in several open shows at home and in Rock Star Saddle Club shows as well as in many PHBA shows in Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Missouri and Oklahoma.
“This was my last year in 13 & Under and I’ve been doing well this year in shows at home so I thought it was a good time to try to show here,” Landon said. “I have been having a lot of fun with the other kids.”
Landon is president of the Iowa Palomino Youth Association and is seeking a spot on the PHBA National Youth Executive Board.
His parents, Mike and Jolene Battey are also very involved in horses and showing. Jolene, who got her start riding jumpers, has had horses in her life since she was 9 years old. She got the whole family involved and now Mike serves as president of the Iowa Palomino Association.
They purchased Zippos MaryJane, a 2008 mare by The Zippo Connection and out of Lethal Combination, for him four years ago.
“She is a diva,” they all said at once.
But Landon and MaryJane have a special bond.
“When you scratch her on the neck she raises her head high and wiggles her lips,” he said. “She’s really sweet and has great ground manners. She loves scratches, to be loved on and to get her favorite treats – ‘Nicker-Makers.’”
Landon has been getting help at the World Show from Ohio trainer Shawn Kristin Budke on combating his nerves and sharpening skills.
And of course, his parents are his biggest supporters.
“We were all surprised at their Reserve Championship title in Hunter In Hand,” Jolene said. “They have not been doing it that long and honestly have not practiced much.”
But that all changes now.
“I’ll be practicing that a lot more now,” Landon said.
The Showmanship class was their greatest challenge.
“It’s hard to get her (Zippos MaryJane) to back straight,” Landon admitted.
Landon says he gained a lot of valuable experience attending this year’s Youth World Show. He admits that he was nervous before
The competition got started.
“I just concentrate on what I need to do and once I get into the pen all the butterflies go away,” he said. “The most important thing I learned is that if you are nervous, you can still come and be successful.”

Stephanie and Heza Izzy Roper after claiming a Reserve in their Western Pleasure class.
Western Pleasure, Horsemanship, Reining, Western Riding and Ranch classes took center stage Friday in Walk-Trot, Novice and Youth division. Judges for this year’s Youth World Show are Darrell Bilke, Lita Hottel, Jim Isley and Carmen Mayabb.
The Palomino Youth World Show concludes today (Hat, Tie & Shades Day) with Trail competition. After that the following Awards will be presented:
- Youth Team Tournament,
- Max Eisenberg Sportsmanship Award
- Youth Golden Horse 13 & Under
- Reserve Youth Golden Horse 13 & Under
- Youth Golden Horse 14-18
- Reserve Youth Golden Horse 14-18
- Youth W/T Golden Horse 5-9
- Reserve Youth W/T Golden Horse 5-9
- Youth Golden Horse W/T 10-18
- Reserve Youth Golden Horse W/T 10-18
- Palomino Bred Youth High Point
- Palomino Bred Youth Reserve High Point
The PHBA Youth will hold a National Youth meeting at 5 p.m., followed by the association’s Awards Banquet and Benefit Auction at 7 p.m. at Resorts Casino.
Sunday is devoted entirely to Challenged Horsemen Classes for unassisted and assisted competitors in Showmanship, Equitation, Hunter Under Saddle, Trail Western Pleasure and Horsemanship.
The PHBA Open and Amateur World Show schedule starts on Monday. Stay with InStride Edition as we bring you news from the 2018 event.
Since its inception in 1983, the Palomino World Championship show has given exhibitors the chance to compete for Golden Horse Awards, in Color, Halter, and performance classes. The inaugural World Championship Show was held in September at the Indiana State Fair Grounds in Indianapolis.
“Our membership requested having Novice Amateur Ranch Riding, Novice Youth Ranch Riding, and Youth Ranch Rail Pleasure Stakes, so we put those on the class list this year,” Green said. “Some of the larger classes are the pleasure classes, and of course, the open color class always is a big hit. In the Youth Division, we’ve added Palomino Bred Youth High Point and Palomino Bred Youth Reserve High Point.”
The Yellow Rose Futurity classes are held on Monday, July 16, along with the PHBA/NSBA 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Derby immediately afterward, along with other dual-approved PHBA/NSBA classes throughout the show, and NRHA Open Reining on Friday, July 20. There are classes for all ages and abilities of riders, including one day, Sunday, July 15, that is set aside for Challenged riders to have the chance to demonstrate their skills in Showmanship, Western, and English classes.
For complete results from the show and a tentative schedule visit: https://www.palominohba.com/show-info/world-show/youth-world-show/2018-tentative-youth-class-schedule/
For a live feed from the 2018 PHBA World Show visit: http://321actionvideo.com/ppv/backuplogon.php
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