Stanley Scott & Batters Up
It takes a special breeding program to raise a youngster talented enough to place at the All-American Quarter Horse Congress. Tom and Dominique Powers had two today in the same class.
Stanley Scott of Ocala, Florida, showed Batters Up, a bay filly by Batt Man and out of Suddenly Some More, to a Congress Championship in Non-Pro Western Longe Line today, taking home a check for $1,732.51. Stanley and his wife, Susan, own Haylo Farm, in Ocala, Florida, and purchased Batters Up from Tom and Dominique at the Tom Powers Futurity in Michigan this past June. Dominique meanwhile, showed Two Kriketsonthewall, a brown filly by RL Best Of Sudden and out of A Cowgirl Margarita, to a third place in the 22-entry class, earning $866.25.
Angela Finegan, of Forest Grove, Oregon, said it’s always been her dream to show at the Congress and today she not only got her wish but she showed Good Luck Wishes, a sorrel mare by RL Best Of Sudden and out of Good Luck Girl to a Reserve Championship in Non-Pro Western Longe Line.
Small Fry competitors had their game faces on today as competition started for them today.
Allyssa Dawn Paul, daughter of Judd and Jennifer Paul, of New Albany, Ohio, claimed her third straight Congress Small Fry Showmanship title, this year with Genuine Sheik, a 1999 bay gelding by Zippos Sheik and out of Genuine Minx.

Allie Paul & Genuine Sheik
“He (Sheik) is my best friend and is always good for me,” Allie said. “He loves peppermints.”
Reserve Champion in the 55-entry class was Nathan Carson, showing So Leaguer To Please.
Small Fry Horsemanship drew 52 entries a little later in the day. When the judging was completed Emma Gore. Of Zanesville, Ohio, and Hes Suddenly Handsome were named the new Congress Champions. Isabella Buckley and Arrange Your Money captured the Reserve Championship. Isabella is the daughter of William and Tara Buckley, of Preston, Connecticut.
“My favorite part about Handsome is the effort he gives me in and out of the show pen,” Emma said.
Martha Jo Wallace won the EQD Walk/Trot/Jog Showmanship Level 3 with her show partner, Hooked Up N Hott, owned by Karen Zarda. A total of 19 competed and Robert Castellitto was named Reserve Champion, showing Smooth N Captivating, owned by Amy Comprato.
In the EWD Walk/Trot/Jog Western Pleasure-Supported Class, Lucas Molnar and Snap Krackle Pop were crowned champions while Scarlett Southwick and Lazy Lovin were Reserve.
Over in the Celeste Arena, Barbara Fuchs rode Regal Tequila to a win in the Level 1 Amateur Working Hunter. Reserve Champion in the class of 46 entries, was Billy Elliott, owned and shown by Sarah Brown.
In Level 1 Youth Working Hunter, Isabella Erwin rode Just Money Hungry to a Congress Championship while Hannah Dobert and Tru Man To A Lady were Reserve in the 59-entry class.
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