The Premier Sires program has announced that it will cancel its Kentucky event, scheduled for May 27-31. The following is an announcement from founder Claire Binkowski:

We are disappointed to have to share the news that The Premier Kentucky, which was scheduled to be held May 27-31 at the Kentucky Horse Park and managed by Michelle Forness and her team at Broke Girls Equine Event Management, has been cancelled due to the coronavirus.
Unfortunately, there are too many unknowns right now to be able to proceed with the show. We do not know if the Horse Park will be allowed to reopen in time for the show or what stipulations will be in place when they do reopen. We do not know if current hotel restrictions that limit occupancy to 10% of capacity will be lifted. We do not know if people will be able to get to the show due to current travel restrictions that require travelers coming from many other states to be quarantined for 14 days upon entering Kentucky, which includes most of our judges and staff as well as exhibitors. There is no clear timeframe on when decisions about travel restrictions and prohibitions on public assemblies will be made. What we do know based on the information we have, is that once restrictions begin to lift things will not immediately return to business as usual. It is likely to be some time before large group gatherings or events are permitted. Unfortunately, Michelle and I agree that the best and safest decision for all involved at this time is to cancel the show.
We know that this is disappointing for everyone and we are all ready to get back to horse showing. But these are unprecedented times and we are all doing our best with the information we have. In the event we cannot reschedule or move the Premier Sires classes to another venue later in the year, all stallion money which funds the 3 Year Old Limited Horse Limited Rider classes will be refunded and all Breeders Futurity money will be carried over and paid out next year. Please be patient as we determine the best course of action going forward and know that we will make announcements as soon as we have information to share.
No checks or credit cards that were sent for stall or RV reservations for The Premier Kentucky have been deposited or run. All checks and credit card forms will be shredded.
The response to this show has been tremendous and to say we are disappointed is an understatement. Trying to look on the bright side, we now have an entire year to make The Premier Kentucky 2021, which will be held June 2-6, even bigger and better!
Please stay safe and healthy and remember that we are all in this together.
Claire Binkowski (Premier Sires)
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