By Corrine Borton on December 8, 2016
amateur, American Paint Horse, american quarter horse, APHA, Equine Chronicle, Horse, hunter under saddle, judges, qualifying, riding, showing, Western Pleasure

Exciting new changes are coming to the American Paint Horse Association (APHA) Amateur program in 2017, thanks to rule changes adopted by the APHA Board of Directors at the 2016 APHA Convention. Make sure you are informed on the latest modifications by reading up on the changes below. The APHA Amateur divisions have changed. Amateur: any […]
By admin on April 12, 2016
AjPHA, American Paint Horse, APHA, Championship, Futurity, Horse, Horses, qualifying, riding, showing

With more than $165,000 offered in scholarships—available in every world championship class—the 2016 AjPHA Youth World Championship Show promises to be one to remember. Exhibitors can now enter online through our secure entry platform at Submit your entries today Almost everyone can use the online entry platform, but there are a few things to know in […]
By admin on April 12, 2016
AjPHA, American Paint Horse, APHA, Championship, Horse, Horses, Paint, Paint Horse, qualifying, riding, showing

Riders from around the world will converge in Kreuth, Germany, August 27–September 3 to compete for international recognition during the 2016 AjPHA Youth World Games. Participation in the biennial event has more than doubled since 2014; this year’s event will feature 60 Youth competitors from 15 countries. Teams composed of four riders and an […]
By admin on April 1, 2016
American Paint Horse, AQHA, Championship, Congress, Paint, Paint Horse, riding, showing

Colorado businesswoman and top American Paint Horse Association Amateur competitor Susan Juroe knew from the start it was going to take a special horse to replace Too Sleepy For Candy, her show partner of three years. When she lost Mandy, her multiple APHA World Champion mare in the fall of 2014, Juroe was afraid she’d never […]
By admin on April 1, 2016
American Paint Horse, american quarter horse, AQHA, asey’s Ladylove, Bobby D. Cox, Convention, Dashing Phoebe, Dick Monahan, Horse, Horses, Majestic Scotch, Peter J. Cofrancesco III, Quarter, riding, Sandra Vaughn, showing, Strawfly Special, Zips Chocolate Chip

Five horses and five American Quarter Horse Association members have been selected for induction into the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame in 2017. Induction into the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame is the highest honor that can be bestowed by the American Quarter Horse Association. Those chosen for induction are recognized for their […]
By admin on March 30, 2016
American Paint Horse, APHA, Horse, Horses, qualifying, showing, World Show

Twenty APHA shows proved they were the best of the best in 2015, and APHA—along with the Paint Horse Journal—is pleased to recognize these outstanding events. This annual list is complied based on total entries per judge, and full results appear in the April 2016 Paint Horse Journal. Taking the No. 1 spot for the […]
By admin on March 30, 2016
AjPHA, American Paint Horse, APHA, Championship, Horse, Horses, qualifying, riding, showing, World Show

Full of colorful Paints, talented Youth exhibitors and loads of opportunities to win college scholarships and great prizes, the 2016 AjPHA Youth World Championship Show is an event you don’t want to miss. The show takes place June 27–July 9 at the Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth, Texas. 2016 Premium Book Online Now! […]
By admin on March 28, 2016
American Paint Horse, american quarter horse, AQHA, Health, Healthy, Horse, Horses, Living, riding, showing

With the horse industry becoming so competitive and specialized, many exhibitors keep their horses in full-time training to stay at the top of their game. Although being at a trainer full-time keeps our horses in top shape, it can often make it difficult for exhibitors to get adequate time in the saddle. We know our […]
By admin on March 18, 2016
American Paint Horse, AQHA, Horse, Horses, judges, professional horseman, riding, showing

APHA has made finding Paint Horse professionals easier than ever with the debut of its new interactive online directory. Designed with the help of the National Reining Horse Association, professionals can now create their own individual profiles to advertise their services for free on Search by name, discipline or location to find the perfect […]
By admin on February 29, 2016
American Paint Horse, APHA, Breeders Trust, Horse, Horses, Paint, Paint Horse, riding, showing

If you’re anxiously checking your mailbox every day this time of year, it might be because you are one of the lucky ones to get a refund on your tax return. But APHA members have another reason to be looking for the postal truck: it’s Breeders’ Trust payback season, and as of February 26, the […]
By admin on February 29, 2016
American Paint Horse, APHA, APHA Convention, Horse, rules

With nearly 30 rule change proposals brought out of committees, the APHA Board of Directors passed 25 rules presented for voting at the 2016 APHA Convention on February 29 in Richmond, Virginia. National directors are elected by their fellow APHA members to serve two-year terms and provide a voice for their respective areas’ members. Below is a […]