By Sarah Welk Baynum on October 10, 2024
american quarter horse, APHA, AQHA, Brad Jewett, Horse, Horses, Jamie Dowdy, NSBA, Ranch Riding, showing, Steve Meadows, Western Pleasure, Western Riding, World Show
Featured, Features

Sometimes, no matter what the discipline, a show horse hits a brick wall in the training process and just fails to perform at the level expected. There are many potential reasons for the change – stress, horse show burnout, a change in rider or discipline. The first thing that needs to happen is that any […]
By admin on September 26, 2024
APHA, Horse, Horses, NSBA, showing

The 2024 American Paint Horse Association (APHA) Eastern National Championship Show, Aug. 22–25, generated significant increases, according to organizers. Growth was recorded at 57 percent in total horses and 43 percent in entries over 2023 numbers. This year’s event took place at the World Equestrian Center in Wilmington, Ohio, which will host the Eastern National […]
By Sarah Welk Baynum on September 24, 2024
Aaron Moses, american quarter horse, APHA, AQHA, Blake Britton, Horse, Horses, NSBA, showing, Western Pleasure, Western Riding, World Show

Western Pleasure. In terms of entries, it’s traditionally been one of the most popular classes at American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) and American Paint Horse Association (APHA) and other breed association events. Large purses and prestigious titles have traditionally drawn big numbers to the pen to be evaluated on quality of movement. The National Snaffle […]
By Corrine Borton on February 28, 2024
american quarter horse, APHA, AQHA, Horse, Horses, Hunter Under Saddle. Meghan Tierney, JD Koffel, NSBA, Pretty Assets, showing, Western Pleasure, World Show
Featured, Features

It’s breeding season and in print, social media and conversations across the United States and abroad, it’s stallions, stallions, stallions. Who sires the best dispositions? Can I duplicate that stallion’s balance and topline? What get to trainers prefer? But what about the mares? As most savvy breeders agree, the dam contributes more to a foal […]
By admin on January 12, 2024
american quarter horse, APHA, AQHA, Cindy McCraw, Horse, Horses, Masterson Farms LLC, Mike Hay, Nancy Kunkel, NSBA, Pilot Knob Stud, showing, uterine cultures, Western Pleasure, World Show
Featured, Features

While seasoned broodmare owners and their veterinarians understand how important it is to perform a uterine culture prior to breeding, there are still a lot of misconceptions around its importance, or when and if one is even necessary. However, a uterine culture provides invaluable information about a mare’s reproductive health. Uterine cultures can help determine […]
By Corrine Borton on July 6, 2023
american quarter horse, APHA, AQHA, Doug Landon, Horse, Horses, hunter under saddle, March To The Arch, NSBA, showing, Tara Landon, Trail, World Show

Just months after the 2023 March To The Arch concluded in Fort Worth, Texas, show organizers have announced big changes for next year’s event. Back by popular demand will be the two slot classes, with guaranteed money – The $100,000 3-Year-Old & Over Western Pleasure and the $50,000 3-Year-Old & Over Hunter Under Saddle. New […]
By Corrine Borton on July 6, 2023
american quarter horse, APHA, AQHA, Colton Smith, Horse, Horses, NSBA, World Show

Illinois professional trainer Colton Smith is a firm believer that each horse he trains must be able to do its job in its sleep, in order to be a solid citizen for its rider. And so his program is built on a lot of muscle memory and repetition. “I spend a lot of time confidence […]
By admin on July 6, 2023
american quarter horse, APHA, AQHA, Equine Partnerships, Horse, Horses, NSBA, World Show
InStride Law

A lot of horse people enter into business relationships with nothing more than a handshake and the idea that they intend to “split the profits.” What these people fail to realize; however, is that they have formed a legal entity known as a partnership. As long as things go well, no problem. But when the […]
By admin on June 26, 2023
american quarter horse, APHA, AQHA, Horses, NSBA, showing, Western Pleasure

Bidding is open now for more than 50 horses in the June Internet Auction. The bidding closes at 7 p.m. EST on Tuesday, June 27. “Buyers will find great horses for Reining, Ranch events, Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle, All-Around events, Halter and Barrel Racing,” said Mike Jennings of Professional Horse Services, LLC. The offering includes show horses, […]
By admin on February 21, 2023
american quarter horse, APHA, AQHA, Horse, Horses, NSBA, showing, Western Pleasure

The NSBA Riders Lists represents the achievement of NSBA members as they relate to each division. The lists do not include all members eligible for a particular division. Instead, they list the individuals that would not be allowed to show in the lower divisions of each event. In the event of a discrepancy, the rules […]
By admin on January 18, 2023
APHA, Horse, Horses

W34, a white-spotting allele identified by researchers at Etalon Diagnostics in 2022, has been confirmed as present in the Paint Horse population. The discovery was published in the August 2022 edition of Animals, a peer-reviewed scientific publication. This spotting pattern is a mutation of the KITgene, which is also home to Sabino 1 and more than 30 “W” (formerly, Dominant […]
By admin on October 25, 2022
american quarter horse, APHA, Appaloosa, AQHA, Congress Super Sale, Horse, Horses, NSBA, Pro Horse Service, showing, Western Pleasure, World Show

Two separate sales were featured at this year’s All American Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus, Ohio. Both events were organized by Pro Horse Services. The Ranch Horse Sale was held first on Oct. 1 and featured over 50 horses from a variety of breeds. Sold at $45,000, the highest sale of the Ranch Horse Sale was Heza […]