By Katie Navarra on November 26, 2016
APHA, football, KC Chiefs, mare, Susie Derouchey, tobiano

Imagine charging through a tunnel on your horse into a football stadium echoing with the thundering cheers of 75,000 fans. A wolf and waving cheerleaders’ pom-poms are also waiting to greet you. Likely, not a scenario most horses take in stride. But for Chiefs Warpaint, a 1998 APHA sorrel tobiano mare, it’s just another day […]
By Corrine Borton on November 18, 2016
APHA, Hall of Fame

Help honor the great change makers of the Paint Horse industry by nominating them to the APHA Hall of Fame. The deadline for submitting new individual or horse nominations is Dec. 1. Introduced in 2012, the Hall of Fame carries on the tradition of commemorating the breed’s colorful history with each class of legendary horses […]
By Corrine Borton on November 17, 2016
APHA, AQHA, Equine Chronicle, Gohorseshow

APHA’s popular C3 “Creating Confident Clinicians” seminar will take place Dec. 15–16, hosted at the APHA headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. The seminar will share teaching techniques used by professionals around the world, along with hands-on instruction. Andy Mangum, PhD, adjunct speech instructor at Brookhaven College in Farmers Branch, Texas, will focus on the fundamentals […]
By Corrine Borton on November 14, 2016
APHA, AQHA, Equine Artist, Equine Chronicle, NSBA, Terri Glaser

Most mornings erupt in bright blue skies with a hint of gray in the distance, where the mountains poke through, and the evening sunset reveals a dash of purple that caresses the tree line along the burnt orange background. For Terri Glaser the drive to spend time with her horse, a 17-hand chestnut thoroughbred gelding […]
By Corrine Borton on November 13, 2016
APHA, Equine Chronicle, World Show

Sometimes things just fall into place, and when that happens, it’s perfectly fine to sit back and enjoy the sweet serendipity. After a 2015 American Paint Horse Association World Show that was beyond their wildest dreams, owner Dominic Destefano of Edmond, Oklahoma, and trainer Mason Lyon were happy to let the chips fall where they […]
By Corrine Borton on November 11, 2016
APHA, Batt Man, Equine Chronicle, Sale, Western Pleasure, yearling

A new internet-only format shook up the 2016 Farnam Breeders’ Trust Select Yearling Sale, making it easier than ever to make yearling Paints eligible for elite performance opportunities and more than $50,000 in payouts as part of the Farnam Pleasure Stakes program. The sale’s 35 consigned horses didn’t have to leave the comfort of home, as […]
By Corrine Borton on November 10, 2016
APHA, AQHA, Betsy Tuckey, Bob Kail, Debbie Kail, Equine Chronicle, Hansch, John Tuckey, Judge, Nancy Sue Ryan, NSBA, Rebecca Halverson, Show

Show managers say they are finding that with the popular split/combined and multiple judge format shows, it works for them to hire a husband/wife judging couple to officiate at their shows. There are several advantages for a show to hire a couple – they can share a hotel room and they can cut travel expenses […]
By Corrine Borton on November 10, 2016
APHA, Equine Chronicle, World Show

In celebration of their accomplishments in the arena, five top Amateur exhibitors were honored Nov. 9 at the 2016 APHA World Championship Show. After the 2015 APHA World Championship Show, Christine Weiser of Meridian, Idaho, was walking on cloud nine. It was a dream show for the veteran horsewoman, winning a trio of world championships and netting […]
By admin on April 12, 2016
AjPHA, American Paint Horse, APHA, Championship, Futurity, Horse, Horses, qualifying, riding, showing

With more than $165,000 offered in scholarships—available in every world championship class—the 2016 AjPHA Youth World Championship Show promises to be one to remember. Exhibitors can now enter online through our secure entry platform at Submit your entries today Almost everyone can use the online entry platform, but there are a few things to know in […]
By admin on April 12, 2016
AjPHA, American Paint Horse, APHA, Championship, Horse, Horses, Paint, Paint Horse, qualifying, riding, showing

Riders from around the world will converge in Kreuth, Germany, August 27–September 3 to compete for international recognition during the 2016 AjPHA Youth World Games. Participation in the biennial event has more than doubled since 2014; this year’s event will feature 60 Youth competitors from 15 countries. Teams composed of four riders and an […]
By admin on March 30, 2016
American Paint Horse, APHA, Horse, Horses, qualifying, showing, World Show

Twenty APHA shows proved they were the best of the best in 2015, and APHA—along with the Paint Horse Journal—is pleased to recognize these outstanding events. This annual list is complied based on total entries per judge, and full results appear in the April 2016 Paint Horse Journal. Taking the No. 1 spot for the […]
By admin on March 30, 2016
AjPHA, American Paint Horse, APHA, Championship, Horse, Horses, qualifying, riding, showing, World Show

Full of colorful Paints, talented Youth exhibitors and loads of opportunities to win college scholarships and great prizes, the 2016 AjPHA Youth World Championship Show is an event you don’t want to miss. The show takes place June 27–July 9 at the Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth, Texas. 2016 Premium Book Online Now! […]