By admin on March 30, 2016
APHA, AQHA, Auburn, Baylor, Big 10, Big 12, College Equestrian, Delaware State, Equestrian, Fresno State, Georgia, Kansas State, National Equestrian Championships, NCEA, New Mexico State, Oklahoma State, SEC, SMU, South Carolina, TCU, Texas A&M

Seeding and match-ups for the 2016 National Collegiate Equestrian Association National Championship, as determined by the NCEA Selection Committee, has been announced on Wednesday. The nation’s top-12 teams will vie for the 2016 NCEA Championship, set to take place April 14-16 at the Extraco Events Center in Waco, Texas. Beginning with the 2014 championship, the […]
By admin on February 29, 2016
American Paint Horse, APHA, Breeders Trust, Horse, Horses, Paint, Paint Horse, riding, showing

If you’re anxiously checking your mailbox every day this time of year, it might be because you are one of the lucky ones to get a refund on your tax return. But APHA members have another reason to be looking for the postal truck: it’s Breeders’ Trust payback season, and as of February 26, the […]
By admin on February 29, 2016
American Paint Horse, APHA, APHA Convention, Horse, rules

With nearly 30 rule change proposals brought out of committees, the APHA Board of Directors passed 25 rules presented for voting at the 2016 APHA Convention on February 29 in Richmond, Virginia. National directors are elected by their fellow APHA members to serve two-year terms and provide a voice for their respective areas’ members. Below is a […]
By admin on February 29, 2016
AjPHA, APHA, Championship, Horse, Horses, riding, showing, World Show
Showing, Uncategorized

It’s that time again—start dreaming big, because the AjPHA Youth World Championship Show is right around the corner! Make plans to attend this year’s fun-filled event by first checking out the tentative Youth World Show schedule available online at The Youth World Championship Show takes place June 27–July 9 in Fort Worth, Texas. Youth World Show […]
By admin on February 17, 2016
APHA, Convention, Horse, Horses

APHA’s standing committees have posted their agendas for the 2016 APHA Convention on the association’s website. Committees have been meeting throughout the year via telephone and digital communication sessions, but they’ll get together for several live discussions at the APHA Convention, February 2 6– 29 in Richmond, Virginia. Almost all standing committee meetings are open to anyone who […]
By admin on February 6, 2016
APHA, Breeders Trust, Breeding Paint Horse, Horse, Horses

The results are in: the APHA Breeders’ Trust program saw an increase in point value for 2015, the first in a number of years. In 2015, Breeders’ Trust-nominated horses earned 73,729 points worth $7.85 each—a .5% increase over 2014. The stabilization is testament to new efforts designed to arrest declining point values of between 4% […]
By admin on February 5, 2016
APHA, Germany, Horse, Horses, judges, Paint Horse, riding, Seminar, showing

APHA is heading to Germany this spring to conduct a European Judges Seminar, taking place April 5-10 in Grosswallstadt, Germany. A biennial event, the seminar is open to current judges, judge applicants and APHA members interested in learning more about judging. The seminar is jointly organized by APHA, the American Quarter Horse Association, the Appaloosa […]
By admin on February 5, 2016
APHA, APHA Convention, Convention, Horse, Horses, Paint Horse, Richmond, Virginia

Think you need to be an APHA director to attend the 2016 APHA Convention? Think again! The annual APHA Convention is open to all Paint Horse enthusiasts, and EVERYONE is encouraged to attend, no matter if you’ve had Paints for a lifetime or just admired them from afar. Check out the following nine reasons to […]
By admin on January 29, 2016
APHA, AQHA, Certificate of Eligibility, Horses, NSBA, Quarter Horses

What is a Certificate of Eligibility? A Certificate of Eligibility is a new requirement for horses being shown in any NSBA class except for Dual Approved classes. If your horse is already enrolled in NSBA’s Breeders Championship Futurity or Stallion Incentive Fund License Program, you already have a Certificate of Eligibility. If your horse is […]
By admin on January 28, 2016
APHA, Horse, Paint, Southeast Paint Horse Championship, Southern Classic

APHA’s popular Paint Horse Championships kick off 2016 at the APHA Zone 9 Southern Classic February 19–21 in Jacksonville, Florida. Bigger and better than ever, exhibitors will have more options than ever before at this year’s event. The Paint Horse Championship series was created to increase local show participation and recognize another group of exhibitors […]
By admin on January 27, 2016
APHA, ApHC, AQHA, Auction, Futurity, Halter, Horse, Jennings, Mike, Professional, Service, Services, Stallion, West

“The Best In The West Halter Futurity Stallion Service Auction is a Great Opportunity to get involved with one of the most Exciting New events in the Halter industry and breed to Top Halter Stallions,” according to Mike Jennings of Professional Horse Services, LLC. “We are excited to offer the 2nd annual Best In The […]
By admin on January 25, 2016
APHA, Championship, Horse, Paint

After a booming 2015, APHA’s Paint Horse Championships are returning to Zone shows around the world in 2016. Designed with an emphasis on encouraging local participation and recognizing more exhibitors at the regional level, the Paint Horse Championships saw considerable participation in 2015—its first full year—and continued growth is expected for the new year. “The […]