By Corrine Borton on September 14, 2020
American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA, AQHA Convention

The AQHA Executive Committee has made the decision to move the 2021 AQHA Convention to March 18-22, 2021. The convention, which was previously slated for Feb. 26 – March 1, will remain at the Hyatt Hill Country in San Antonio. “We greatly appreciate the Hyatt Hill Country staff who assisted AQHA with modifying the dates […]
By admin on February 2, 2018
american quarter horse, American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA, AQHA Convention, quarter horse

The American Quarter Horse Association has released the AQHA Standing Committee Agendas for the 2018 AQHA Convention, which is March 2-5 at the Hyatt Regency Riverfront in Jacksonville, Florida. Even though the deadline to submit rule-change proposals for the 2018 convention was December 31, 2017, your input is encouraged and taken into consideration when decisions are […]