By admin on September 2, 2020
AQHA World Show

The Farnam AQHA World Championship Show returns to the OKC Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City Nov. 2-21 with additional AQHA championship shows, waived qualifying, new class offerings, the 41st Annual Triangle Sale and more! Owners, exhibitors and trainers can view the 2020 tentative schedule, which is now available under Resources at Entry information will be available soon at, and estimated times […]
By Corrine Borton on June 16, 2018
all american quarter horse congress, american quarter horse, American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA, AQHA World Show, Brian Ale, Congress, Equine Chronicle, Gohorseshow, Horse, Horses, riding, showing, Western Pleasure

It was a very emotional reunion in Bridgeton, New Jersey this week as the Ale family welcomed home the horse they credit with making trainer Brian Ale the horseman he is today. After nearly two decades of helping countless riders achieve their dreams, both inside and outside the show arena, Talkin The Talk, a 1997 […]
By admin on February 2, 2018
american quarter horse, American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA, AQHA World Show, AQHA Youth World, quarter horse, Ranch Riding

In keeping with the tradition of the ranch horse, cattle could be included at the 2018 Built Ford Tough AQHYA World Championship Show; AQHA Select World Championship Show, presented by Adequan® (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan);Lucas Oil AQHA World Championship Show; and Adequan® Level 2 Championships as a part of each ranch riding class pattern. “The ranch riding class showcases […]
By admin on January 31, 2018
American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA, AQHA World Show, AQHA Youth World, AQHYA World Show, Championship, Horse, Horses, qualifying, Quarter, quarter horse, riding, showing, World Show

AQHA answers most-asked questions about the new 13-&-Under classes at the 2018 Built Ford Tough AQHYA World Championship Show. How many 13-&-Under classes will be introduced at the 2018 Built Ford Tough AQHYA World Championship Show? Answer: There will be a total of seven classes. The classes are the seven core classes: western pleasure, hunter under […]
By admin on October 3, 2017
all american quarter horse congress, american quarter horse, American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA, AQHA World Show, Breeding, Championship, Congress, Extremely Hot Chips, Jay Starnes, Joan Schroeder, Kiowa Ranch, Russ Louderback, Stallion
Breeding, Features

His own show career has been nothing short of remarkable and with only seven foal crops on the ground it’s clear Extremely Hot Chips is going to be a powerhouse sire. Since purchasing the 2006 chestnut stallion by Blazing Hot and out of Miss Trophy Chip (by Zips Chocolate Chip) in 2012, Russ Louderback, Fishers, […]
By Corrine Borton on November 5, 2016
AQHA, AQHA World Show, NSBA< Western Pleasure, Quarter Horse Congress

When Bryan Reger of Volga, West Virginia tried to give his daughter, Alyssa, some pointers at a horse show one day several years ago, she promptly told him that he didn’t know how to ride or show. So he did what any dad of a teen daughter would do. He bought a horse and learned […]