Cool Breeze: Lee and Brenda Looney’s young stallion already making his mark as a sire

Cool Breeze: Lee and Brenda Looney’s young stallion already making his mark as a sire

            Six years ago Lee and Brenda Looney were on a mission to purchase a stallion – specifically one that would cross on the show mares they had purchased to serve as the backbone of a breeding program they were building at their 101-acre horse farm in Tennessee.             There was only one problem. The […]

Corrival Ranch: Striving to breed the ultimate all-around Quarter Horse

Corrival Ranch: Striving to breed the ultimate all-around Quarter Horse

Nestled in the heart of the Texas hill country, lies Corrival Ranch, a state-of-the-art facility with equipment for breeding, training, and rehabbing equine athletes. As co-owner Susie Phillips tells the story, the idea for Corrival started like many do, on a back porch with a glass of wine. At the time, Phillips was managing the […]

Queen Ov Hearts: Helping to build the legacy of her sire, Machine Made

Queen Ov Hearts: Helping to build the legacy of her sire, Machine Made

They say the journey is the reward and what a journey it has been. In fact, Dr. Candice Hall and Dr. Cory Seebach, of Black Creek, British Columbia, Canada, say a bay stallion by the name of Machine Made, absolutely changed their lives. The first time Hall and Seebach ever laid eyes on “Hershel” was […]

March To Arch adds classes for 2024

March To Arch adds classes for 2024

Just months after the 2023 March To The Arch concluded in Fort Worth, Texas, show organizers have announced big changes for next year’s event. Back by popular demand will be the two slot classes, with guaranteed money – The $100,000 3-Year-Old & Over Western Pleasure and the $50,000 3-Year-Old & Over Hunter Under Saddle. New […]

Animal welfare measures adopted

Animal welfare measures adopted

Recently, the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) Animal Welfare Commission met the at 2023 AQHA Convention in Fort Worth, Texas to discuss animal-welfare related rule changes recommendations.  The Animal Welfare Grievance Committee is made-up of industry professionals, including AQHA judges, AQHA Professional Horsemen, university professors, veterinarians and association professionals.  Several proposed rule changes were submitted […]

Lexie Frencl: Teamed with I Will Be A Lopin RV for Western Pleasure and all-around events

Lexie Frencl: Teamed with I Will Be A Lopin RV for Western Pleasure and all-around events

They say that success is best when it’s shared and Illinois native Lexie Frencl could not agree more. Although she has been showing horses competitively since she was just 14 years old, everything changed for Frencl when she met Justin Clay Arrington while she was handing out awards at the 2021 National Snaffle Bit Association […]

Reserve AQHA World & Congress Champion Mr Freeze making memories for the Leavell family

Reserve AQHA World & Congress Champion Mr Freeze making memories for the Leavell family

Imagine if the Big Bang Theory character Sheldon were a horse. That’s what Kentucky trainer Josh Faulkner says Mr Freeze is like. “He’s just goofy and always keeps you guessing,” Faulkner said. But the 2015 American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) bay gelding by Batt Man and out of Only A Summer Breeze that Faulkner suggested […]