By Corrine Borton on January 23, 2017
AQHA, Auction, Halter, Jennings, Professional Auction
Bidding Closes tonight, Monday, Jan. 25 for the Best In The West Halter Futurity Stallion Service Auction The popular Best In The West Halter Futurity is closing their Stallion Service Auction Tonight, Monday, Jan. 25, beginning at 7 p.m., Eastern time. This Auction includes breedings to over 80 AQHA, APHA and ApHC stallions, including Leading Sires, World […]
By admin on January 27, 2016
APHA, ApHC, AQHA, Auction, Futurity, Halter, Horse, Jennings, Mike, Professional, Service, Services, Stallion, West

“The Best In The West Halter Futurity Stallion Service Auction is a Great Opportunity to get involved with one of the most Exciting New events in the Halter industry and breed to Top Halter Stallions,” according to Mike Jennings of Professional Horse Services, LLC. “We are excited to offer the 2nd annual Best In The […]