By Corrine Borton on June 17, 2020
Brian Ale, Katy Jo Zuidema, NSBA, Rusty Green, Virginia Maiden

There were more than a few delays caused by the coronavirus pandemic, a venue change and plenty of sleepless nights for the organizers but you would never know it on Saturday, June 13, when a total of 22 maiden western pleasure horses competed for $45,000 in cash and prizes in the 2020 Virginia Maiden 3-Year-Old […]
By Corrine Borton on June 16, 2018
all american quarter horse congress, american quarter horse, American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA, AQHA World Show, Brian Ale, Congress, Equine Chronicle, Gohorseshow, Horse, Horses, riding, showing, Western Pleasure

It was a very emotional reunion in Bridgeton, New Jersey this week as the Ale family welcomed home the horse they credit with making trainer Brian Ale the horseman he is today. After nearly two decades of helping countless riders achieve their dreams, both inside and outside the show arena, Talkin The Talk, a 1997 […]