By Courtney Hall on April 2, 2020
APHA, Award Decor, Dixie Nationals, Genny Miller, K&L Ribbon Wreaths, Katie Grossnigle, Kim Woodall, Marsha Stigge, NSBA, Quarter Horse Congress

The awards – trophy jackets, ribbons and buckles – that exhibitors bring home from shows serve as memorable keepsakes they can display forever. Some people are fortunate enough to have many years of successful shows, filling their homes with incredible mementos. One trend increasing in popularity over the last decade is repurposing awards to create […]
By admin on January 30, 2020
Dixie Nationals

The AQHA Member Experience Team will be at the Dixie National Quarter Horse Show Feb.11-16 in Jackson, Mississippi, to assist you with your AQHA business. Visit with an AQHA Member Experience representative to: Purchase or renew a membership and get a gift. Transfer a horse, no matter how many owners for only $20 per horse.* Receive your registration certificates with expedited service, […]