By admin on October 3, 2017
all american quarter horse congress, american quarter horse, American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA, AQHA World Show, Breeding, Championship, Congress, Extremely Hot Chips, Jay Starnes, Joan Schroeder, Kiowa Ranch, Russ Louderback, Stallion
Breeding, Features

His own show career has been nothing short of remarkable and with only seven foal crops on the ground it’s clear Extremely Hot Chips is going to be a powerhouse sire. Since purchasing the 2006 chestnut stallion by Blazing Hot and out of Miss Trophy Chip (by Zips Chocolate Chip) in 2012, Russ Louderback, Fishers, […]
By admin on September 29, 2017
american quarter horse, AQHA, Batt Man, Batt Man stallion, Breeding, Championship, Congress, Equine Chronicle, Gohorseshow, Horse, Horses, Jack Credit, Joan Schroeder, Kiowa Ranch, Quarter, quarter horse, Quarter Horse Congress, showing, Trevor Barnes, Western Pleasure, World Show

AQHA World and Congress Champion sire Batt Man has new owners and he will be standing the 2018 breeding season at Joan Schroeder’s Kiowa Ranch in Collinsville, Texas, it was announced this week. Trevor Barnes and Jack Creditt, both of Ohio, are now the owners of the 2006 bay stallion, sired by Good Version and […]