By admin on August 22, 2019
AQHA, judges

New judges were recently approved by the American Quarter Horse Association. Five judge applicants were approved by the AQHA Judges Committee to take the 2019 judges qualifying exam. Based on test scores and other criteria, the Judges Committee then approved a list of prospective new judges that were then reviewed and approved by the AQHA Executive Committee. […]
By Corrine Borton on April 28, 2018
all american quarter horse congress, AQHA, Breeding, Gohorseshow, Horse, Horses, hunter under saddle, judges, NSBA, Quarter, quarter horse, riding, Sale, showing, University of Findlay, Western Pleasure

The University of Findlay will host its 14th annual Spring Horse Sale tomorrow, at the Western Farm in the Dale Wilkinson Arena, 14700 U.S. Route 68 south of Findlay, Ohio. Today, graduating seniors competed in the program’s Clark Bradley Pleasure Futurity, a Western Pleasure class designed to showcase their 2-year-old futurity prospects. These horses will […]
By Corrine Borton on April 21, 2018
all american quarter horse congress, American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA, Breeding, Championship, Congress, Equine Chronicle, Gohorseshow, Horse, Horses, Hylton Maiden, judges, showing, Virginia, Western Pleasure

Organizers say 18 horses and riders are entered in the Hylton Maiden 3-Year-Old and Over Western Pleasure Slot Class, being presented at 8 p.m., today, during the Spring Breakout/Dave Higgins Memorial Show in Lexington, Virginia. The class has a guaranteed payout of $74,000 with $25,000 going to the winner. A $2,500 bonus will be paid […]
By Corrine Borton on April 13, 2018
all american quarter horse congress, american quarter horse, AQHA, Equestrian, Equine Chronicle, Gohorseshow, Horse, Horses, hunter under saddle, judges, NSBA, Palomino, PHBA, Quarter Horse Congress, Western Pleasure, World Show

The Palomino Horse Breeders of America (PHBA) is pleased to announce that InStride Edition has been named the official publication of the 77-year-old organization founded to collect, record and preserve the purity of the blood and improve the breeding of Palomino horses. A special section devoted exclusively to Palomino horses, owners, breeders and trainers will […]
By Corrine Borton on August 15, 2017
Alex Chavez, American Paint Horse, american quarter horse, American Quarter Horse Association, APHA, AQHA, Beth Case, Breeding, Equestrian, Equine Chronicle, Futurity, Jason English, judges, Katy Jo Zuidema, quarter horse, Quarter Horse Congress, Rusty Green, Sarah Nimigan, showing, Western Pleasure, World Show

He had a shaky start in life but on Monday a yearling gelding, orphaned at birth, fulfilled the dreams of his breeder and owner by making his show debut at the National Snaffle Bit Association’s World Championship Show in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Although he didn’t place in the Top 10 in the Open and […]
By Corrine Borton on March 26, 2017
american quarter horse, AQHA, Bret Parrish, Cecilia Hylton, Equine Chronicle, Futurity, Gohorseshow, Horse, Horses, Hylton Maiden, Jason English, judges, NSBA, riding, showing, Taft Dickerson, Western Pleasure

Bret Parrish, of Pavo, Georgia, piloted Pistol Packin Mann to a win in the 2017 Hylton Maiden 3-Year-Old & Over Western Pleasure at the Spring Breakout/Dave Higgins Memorial Show, in Lexington, Virginia tonight, collecting a check for $25,000. Parrish said the Hylton Maiden class was always the plan for the 2013 sorrel gelding sired by […]
By Corrine Borton on February 3, 2017
American Paint Horse, american quarter horse, APHA, AQHA, Breeding, Championship, Congress, Equine Chronicle, Futurity, Gohorseshow, Gumz Farms, Horse, Horses, hunter under saddle, Its A Southern Thing, judges, Moonpie, NSBA, Quarter, Quarter Horse Congress, riding, showing, Western Pleasure, World Show

He was special from day one. When Shesa Hot Cookie’s 2010 foal by Only In The Moonlite was born at Gumz Farms in Morganfield, all of the staff teased Amy Gumz that he knew who to warm up to – the one who pays the bills. “After delivering over a thousand foals, you can easily […]
By Corrine Borton on December 8, 2016
amateur, American Paint Horse, american quarter horse, APHA, Equine Chronicle, Horse, hunter under saddle, judges, qualifying, riding, showing, Western Pleasure

Exciting new changes are coming to the American Paint Horse Association (APHA) Amateur program in 2017, thanks to rule changes adopted by the APHA Board of Directors at the 2016 APHA Convention. Make sure you are informed on the latest modifications by reading up on the changes below. The APHA Amateur divisions have changed. Amateur: any […]
By admin on April 9, 2016
american quarter horse, AQHA, Horse, Horses, Howdyshell, Hylton Maiden, judges, NSBA, Quarter, riding, showing, Virginia

Sixteen horses will make their maiden voyage around a show arena in a judged event tonight when they compete for a total purse of $80,800 (including bonuses) in the Hylton Maiden 3-Year Old and Over Western Pleasure at the Virginia Classic Quarter Horse Show in Lexington. When the judges’ selections are tallied the winner […]
By admin on March 18, 2016
American Paint Horse, AQHA, Horse, Horses, judges, professional horseman, riding, showing

APHA has made finding Paint Horse professionals easier than ever with the debut of its new interactive online directory. Designed with the help of the National Reining Horse Association, professionals can now create their own individual profiles to advertise their services for free on Search by name, discipline or location to find the perfect […]
By admin on March 12, 2016
american quarter horse, AQHA, Horse, Horses, judges, Judging, showing

The American Quarter Horse Associationbelieves in the future of the equine industry. The development of young minds and horse judging skills is of utmost importance to the vitality of the American Quarter Horse and the equine industry as a whole. To encourage the education of youth in competitive horse judging, AQHA provides a manual for […]
By admin on February 5, 2016
APHA, Germany, Horse, Horses, judges, Paint Horse, riding, Seminar, showing

APHA is heading to Germany this spring to conduct a European Judges Seminar, taking place April 5-10 in Grosswallstadt, Germany. A biennial event, the seminar is open to current judges, judge applicants and APHA members interested in learning more about judging. The seminar is jointly organized by APHA, the American Quarter Horse Association, the Appaloosa […]