By Corrine Borton on September 14, 2021
Cole Baker, Elizabeth Baker, JR Cook, Line Up Behind, NSBA, NSBA World Show, Western Pleasure
Featured, Features

Family is not an important thing, it’s everything. – Michael J. Fox Family is at the center of the Cook family’s approach to showing horses. JR Cook grew up showing Cutting and Halter horses with his parents and grandparents by his side. His wife, Melissa, and her family were deeply involved in the American Paint […]
By Brianna Mason on August 8, 2020
AQHA, Better Buy The Minit, Morgan Tatkowski, NSBA World Show, Working Hunter Derby

The 2020 National Snaffle Bit Association World Championship Show and Breeders Championship Futurity got underway in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Friday with the Working Hunter Derby. Morgan Ratkowski, of Jowlton, Tennessee, piloted Better Buy The Minit to a win in the two-round classic hunter format with 26 Open and Non-Pro combinations, earning $400. Reserve Champion was […]
By admin on July 24, 2017
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Although selling a horse in the current economic climate may not be as easy as it once was, breeders of show horses do have more methods open to them than ever before. Social media has made it easy to connect with potential buyers from across the globe. But the one method that has withstood […]