By Corrine Borton on January 4, 2017
american quarter horse, AQHA, Congress, Darcy Mitchell, Futurity, Horse, hunter under saddle, NSBA, Pennsylvania, Quarter Horse Congress, Randy Mitchell, riding, Western Pleasure, World Show

Keep your eye on Randy Mitchell as he’s coaching clients in the show pen and you can easily tell if they are having a good ride. If he adjusts his ball cap and it gets lower on his head…things are not going well. It’s an inside joke,” Mitchell said. “That’s what I love about my […]
By Corrine Borton on December 21, 2016
american quarter horse, AQHA, Equine Chronicle, Horse, Horses, NSBA, World Show
The American Quarter Horse Association has appointed Patti Carter of Amarillo as the Association’s senior director of judges. She will start her new role on Jan. 4. In her new position, Carter will be responsible for determining and formulating policies and procedures and to providing overall direction of AQHA judges and stewards within guidelines set up by the AQHA executive […]
By Corrine Borton on December 20, 2016
AjPHA, American Paint Horse, APHA, Equine Chronicle, Horse, Horses, NSBA, riding, showing

With the New Year just around the corner, don’t let the holiday hustle cause you to miss out on important APHA deadlines. Here are 5 items to check off your list by Dec. 31: Register your horse All horses turn a year older on Jan. 1—and because registration fees are based on age, that might […]
By Corrine Borton on December 20, 2016
american quarter horse, AQHA, Horse, Horses, Joni Beinborn, NSBA, portrait, Quarter, Quarter Horse Congress, western art

Every year, one artist is given the honor of being selected as the America’s Horse in Art Show & Sale signature artist. When the art show and sale returns to the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame & Museum in August 2017, the signature artist for the 10th annual America’s Horse in Art will be Joni Beinborn of La […]
By Corrine Borton on December 20, 2016
american quarter horse, AQHA, Horse, Horses, NSBA, qualifying, Quarter, showing, Western Pleasure, World Show
To compete at one of three AQHA Level 1 Championships in 2018, exhibitors have four ways to earn an invitation. The qualifying period kicks off Jan. 1, and continues through Dec. 31. 1. MAINTAIN ELIGIBILITY, THEN ENTER Enter cattle and yearling halter classes before the entry deadline. (No qualification method is necessary for cattle classes.) o Cattle […]
By Corrine Borton on December 20, 2016
american quarter horse, AQHA, Horse, Horses, hunter under saddle, NSBA, qualifying, Quarter Horse Congress, showing
When entering American Quarter Horse Association classes, AQHA exhibitors and American Quarter Horse owners are required to provide proof of their level eligibility to show management. Exhibitors and owners must print their level eligibility to give to show management during the 2017 show season. To determine level eligibility for 2017, visit to access the Web-based AQHA leveling […]
By Corrine Borton on December 20, 2016
american quarter horse, Horse, Horses, kari grefsrud, NSBA, Quarter Horse Congress, riding, sarah rosciti, showing
Features, Uncategorized

So, you saved and sacrificed and finally you managed to purchase that show partner you hope will take you to the top. But now there’s no money left for a shiny new saddle to ride in. What can you do? Maybe you can put it on a credit card. But there may be another option. […]
By Corrine Borton on December 17, 2016
AQHA, Audrey Grace Auction, Jane Backes, New Horizons, NSBA

There’s not much time left to score a great deal on a stallion service or do some last-minute holiday shopping to benefit a great cause over on the forum. The 15th Annual Audrey Grace Auction will remain open until 5 p.m. (EST) on Sunday, Dec. 18. The auction helps raise funds for the New […]
By Corrine Borton on December 3, 2016
AQHA, Iowa, NSBA, Shawn Vaillant

AQHA and NSBA competitor Shawn Maree Vaillant, 53 of Ocala, Florida died Nov. 28, at her home in Ocala, Florida. Born in Colorado, Shawn graduated from Denver High School and earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Fashion Merchandising from Iowa State University. She moved to Dallas, Texas following graduation in pursuit of her career […]
By Corrine Borton on December 2, 2016
AQHA, Breeding, Futurity, Horses, Jan Pittman, NSBA, Scott Kesney, showing, VS Code Blue, Western Pleasure

Call it serendipity. Last February when Jan Pittman emailed Donna Biddulph in Oliver, British Columbia and told her that she thought VS Code Blue wanted to move to Florida she never expected his owner’s response. “I think you’re right,” Biddulph replied. Pittman didn’t hesitate. Not this time. It was Pittman’s second chance to own the 2007 […]
By Corrine Borton on December 1, 2016
AQHA, Halter, hunter under saddle, NSBA, Pleasure, Professional Auction
The Professional Horse Services December Internet Auction features 75 Halter, Performance, Pleasure and All-Around Horses. Halter and Pleasure horses include show horses, prospects and breeding stock. The working performance horses are geared to the Reining and Ranch Horse events, as well as trail riding. Bidding Opens Monday Dec. 5 for the December auction and will […]
By Corrine Borton on November 23, 2016
AQHA, Audrey Grace House, Jane Backes, New Horizons, NSBA

Donations are still being accepted for the 15th Annual Audrey Grace Auction featured on forum Dec. 12-18. The auction helps raise funds for the New Horizons Audrey Grace House in Abilene, Texas, part of the Community Center of Care, which provides residential treatment services to children, ages 5 to 17, suffering from emotional, behavioral, […]