By Corrine Borton on October 17, 2016
AQHA, Bruce Walquist, Disabled, Horse, Jon Barry, Kim Myers, NSBA, Palomino, Ranch Riding, Terri Layer, Western Pleasure, World Show

We often take for granted the ease with which we step into the stirrup, throw our leg over the saddle and head into the practice pen or show arena. When the process of mounting and riding is second nature, it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture, how lucky we are to have the […]
By Corrine Borton on October 17, 2016
Halter, Mares, NSBA, Quarter Horse Congress, Working Hunter

Ashley Rytman, of Belleville, Michigan, made her first ride on Moves Like Cattwoman one to remember as she captured a Quarter Horse Congress Championship today in Small Fry Western Pleasure. The 2012 bay mare by Batt Man and out of Easy To Be Super, is owned by barn-mate Katerina Mendel, who purchased “Lola” last year. […]
By Corrine Borton on October 15, 2016
AQHA, Breezee Hill Farm, Danny Desmond, InStride Edition, NSBA, Western Pleasure

New Jersey trainer Danny Desmond understands the value of hard work. He says a very wise man – who happens to be his own father – once told him that “your results are directly proportional to how much time you have spent.” That’s something Desmond has never forgotten. “Any successful man knows this is true […]
By admin on April 9, 2016
american quarter horse, AQHA, Horse, Horses, Howdyshell, Hylton Maiden, judges, NSBA, Quarter, riding, showing, Virginia

Sixteen horses will make their maiden voyage around a show arena in a judged event tonight when they compete for a total purse of $80,800 (including bonuses) in the Hylton Maiden 3-Year Old and Over Western Pleasure at the Virginia Classic Quarter Horse Show in Lexington. When the judges’ selections are tallied the winner […]
By admin on April 5, 2016
american quarter horse, AQHA, Breeding, Good Version, Hall of Fame, John Wainscott, NSBA, Stallion, Stallions

Good Version, a 1990 bay American Quarter Horse Association stallion, sired by Zippos Mr Good Bar and out of Winnie The Tiger (by Tiger Leo), is being inducted into the National Snaffle Bit Association’s Hall of Fame in the Breeding Horse category, according to John Wainscott. Wainscott, who co-owned and stood Good Version for most […]
By admin on January 29, 2016
all american quarter horse congress, AQHA, equitation, Futurity, Horses, NSBA, nyatt

The All American Quarter Horse Congress (AAHQC) is announcing the addition of Hunt Seat Equitation to the National Youth Activity Team Tournament (NYATT) competition during the AAQHC in October 2016. The NYATT is the most popular youth event at the All American Quarter Horse Congress. State and regional Quarter Horse Associations across the U.S. […]
By admin on January 29, 2016
APHA, AQHA, Certificate of Eligibility, Horses, NSBA, Quarter Horses

What is a Certificate of Eligibility? A Certificate of Eligibility is a new requirement for horses being shown in any NSBA class except for Dual Approved classes. If your horse is already enrolled in NSBA’s Breeders Championship Futurity or Stallion Incentive Fund License Program, you already have a Certificate of Eligibility. If your horse is […]
By admin on January 21, 2016
Adria, AQHA, Breeding, Gumz, Horse, Horses, NSBA, Seaside, Smith, These Irons Are Hot, World Show
Breeding, News

Adria Smith, of Seaside Farm, Plano, Texas, has announced she will donate of a portion of each 2016 breeding fee for her stallion, These Irons Are Hot, to the National Snaffle Bit Association’s Foundation for it’s Heroes on Horses and Equestrians with Disabilities programs. “The NSBA Foundation Heroes on Horses touches a place in […]
By admin on January 21, 2016
Horse, Horses, judges, NSBA

NSBA congratulates the following newly approved NSBA Judges: Cindy Butler – Caseyville, Illinois Charles Cannizzaro – Purcell, Oklahoma Timothy Jedra – Fort Collins, Colorado Valerie Kearns – Grayslake, Illinois Carmen Mayabb – Bethlethem, Georgia Keith McDonough – Redmond, Washington Carla McMullen – Norris, Tennessee Eric Petersen – Cannon Falls, Minnesota Mark Shaffer – Tioga, Texas Christina White […]
By admin on October 1, 2015
Alexandra, AQHA, Assets, Chavez, Congress, Horse, Horses, Lehn, NSBA, Pretty, Quarter, Troy

Graceful, pretty and sweet is how Alexandra Chavez describes her 2-year old Hunter Under Saddle mare. Sired by Allocate Your Assets and out of a daughter of Art I Sweet, the bay mare with the wide blaze and four stockings, certainly personifies her name – Pretty Assets. Amy Brosch, of Sorrento, Florida, raised […]