By Corrine Borton on August 15, 2017
Alex Chavez, American Paint Horse, american quarter horse, American Quarter Horse Association, APHA, AQHA, Beth Case, Breeding, Equestrian, Equine Chronicle, Futurity, Jason English, judges, Katy Jo Zuidema, quarter horse, Quarter Horse Congress, Rusty Green, Sarah Nimigan, showing, Western Pleasure, World Show

He had a shaky start in life but on Monday a yearling gelding, orphaned at birth, fulfilled the dreams of his breeder and owner by making his show debut at the National Snaffle Bit Association’s World Championship Show in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Although he didn’t place in the Top 10 in the Open and […]
By admin on August 3, 2017
Equine Chronicle, Futurity, Horse, Horses, hunter under saddle, NSBA, quarter horse, showing, Tom Powers, Tom Powers Futurity, tom powers sale, Western Pleasure

There’s a very good reason that the Tom Powers Triple Challenge is one of the largest and longest-running futurities in the world. Its founder keeps the focus directly on the owners and exhibitors. Each year, after the conclusion of the event, held the last week of June in Berrien Springs, Michigan, Tom Powers […]
By admin on July 26, 2017
american quarter horse, American Quarter Horse Association, Horse, Horses, hunter under saddle, NSBA, quarter horse, Quarter Horse Congress, riding, Rosciti Quarter Horses, sarah rosciti, showing, SR Images

Sarah Rosciti, of North Scituate, Rhode Island, wants to win that big prize as much as the next guy. But the Maine native says she gets just as much satisfaction when a foal she and her family bred and raised is successful for their new owners. Sarah is married to Henry Rosciti. He, Sarah […]
By admin on July 26, 2017
AQHA, Debbie Trout, Don and Debbie Trout, Don Trout, Equine Chronicle, equine photography, Gohorseshow, Horse, Horses, hunter under saddle, photography, Quarter, quarter horse, riding, showing, Trout Photography, Western Pleasure

Words of encouragement and fond memories from friends and customers have been pouring in from all over the globe for Texas equine photographer Don Trout who passed away today following a battle with cancer. Don was transported the hospital on July 23, and scans then showed rapid tumor growth and spread, said his wife and […]
By admin on July 24, 2017
Alan Parker, Alan Parker Auctions, all american quarter horse congress, american quarter horse, American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA, Breeding, Congress, Congress Super Sale, Equine Chronicle, Futurity, Gohorseshow, Horse, Horses, Jennings, NSBA, NSBA World Show, NSBA World Show Sale, Pro Horse Services, Professional Auction, Quarter, quarter horse, Quarter Horse Congress, showing, Tom Powers Futurity, tom powers sale, World Show

Although selling a horse in the current economic climate may not be as easy as it once was, breeders of show horses do have more methods open to them than ever before. Social media has made it easy to connect with potential buyers from across the globe. But the one method that has withstood […]
By admin on July 19, 2017
american quarter horse, American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA, AQHYA, AQHYA Directors, Horse, Horses, quarter horse, Quarter Horse Congress, riding, showing

American Quarter Horse Youth Association regional directors and five national officers for the 2017-18 term were elected July 13 at the Bank of America Youth Excellence Seminar in Amarillo. AQHYA Executive Committee members and regional directors play a major role in the youth association by planning events, participating in community service projects and spreading the word about […]
By admin on June 26, 2017
american quarter horse, American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA, Equine Chronicle, Futurity, Gohorseshow, Horse, Horses, NSBA, oregon, Oregon summer classic, quarter horse, Western Pleasure
Candids, Features

The Oregon Summer Classic took place last weekend in Central Point, Oregon. The show featured a full slate of AQHA classes as well as a select NSBA futurity classes that included Western Pleasure, Trail Sweepstakes, Longe Line and Hunter Under Saddle. Scottsdale Western World saddles and Caliente Saddle Shop saddles are among the prizes […]
By Corrine Borton on May 7, 2017
american quarter horse, AQHA, AQHYA, Horse, Horses, hunter under saddle, qualifying, quarter horse, showing, Western Pleasure, World Show, Youth World

Level 3 13-&-Under core classes have been added to the 2018 American Quarter Horse Association’s World Championship Show. The classes were recommended by the American Quarter Horse Association Show Committee at the 2017 AQHA Convention and were recently approved by the AQHA Executive Committee. Exhibitors can qualify to compete in Level 3 13-&-Under Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle, […]
By admin on April 19, 2017
american quarter horse, AQHA, Congress, Horse, Horses, NSBA, quarter horse, Quarter Horse Congress

The judges for the 50th annual All American Quarter Horse Congress, held October 6-30, 2017 in Columbus, Ohio, have been announced by the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. The judges for the 51st annual All American Quarter Horse Congress: Rick Baker Christa Baldwin Dean Bogart Brenda Brown Tony Burris Butch Campbell Mike Carter Clay Farrell Buddy […]
By admin on March 7, 2017
american quarter horse, AQHA, Denny Thorsell, Horse, Horses, quarter horse

Dennis “Denny” Thorsell, 78, of Burbank, Ohio, passed away on February 28. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, on August 3, 1938, he dreamed of being a cowboy and spent the rest of his life living that dream. He was a life member of the American Quarter Horse Association and a founding member of the Northern Ohio Quarter […]
By Corrine Borton on January 25, 2017
AQHA, Congress, Kristen Glover Galyean, NSBA, quarter horse, Theresa Moran, Vital Signs Are Good, VSAG, Western Pleasure, Western Riding, World Champion

Vital Signs Are Good, one of the most decorated horses in American Quarter Horse Association history, was humanely euthanized today due to complications surrounding a coffin joint infection. The 2000 red roan mare by Zippos Mr Good Bar and out of Vitalism was a superstar from the start. She won the Open 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure […]
By Corrine Borton on January 19, 2017
Abi Owings Tuiasosopo, American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA, Bret Parrish, Candy Parrish, Congress, Equestrian, Futurity, Gohorseshow, Horse, Horses, Little Futurity, National Snaffle Bit Association, NSBA, quarter horse, riding, showing, The Way To Go, Tom Powers Futurity, Western Pleasure

These days, each time Abi Owings Tuiasosopo swings a leg over the back of a horse she closes her eyes and thanks the Lord for the opportunity to be in the saddle again. Because for a very long time that didn’t seem possible. Abi was seven years old when she discovered what made her feel […]