By Corrine Borton on January 19, 2017
Abi Owings Tuiasosopo, American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA, Bret Parrish, Candy Parrish, Congress, Equestrian, Futurity, Gohorseshow, Horse, Horses, Little Futurity, National Snaffle Bit Association, NSBA, quarter horse, riding, showing, The Way To Go, Tom Powers Futurity, Western Pleasure

These days, each time Abi Owings Tuiasosopo swings a leg over the back of a horse she closes her eyes and thanks the Lord for the opportunity to be in the saddle again. Because for a very long time that didn’t seem possible. Abi was seven years old when she discovered what made her feel […]
By Corrine Borton on January 18, 2017
American Paint Horse, american quarter horse, APHA, AQHA, Breeding, Championship, Congress, Equine Chronicle, Futurity, Horse, Horses, hunter under saddle, Jennings, NSBA, Paint, riding, Sale, showing, Western Pleasure, World Show
Bidding for The 48th Mid Winter Sales will close on Wednesday, Jan. 18 and Thursday, Jan. 19. “These 2 auctions give buyers the opportunity to get there new broodmare, show horse, prospect or trail riding horse now and be ready for the spring,” said Mike Jennings of the Professional Horse Services, LLC management team. “The Broodmare Affaire […]
By Corrine Borton on January 18, 2017
A Certain Vino, american quarter horse, AQHA, Championship, Congress, Darcy Reeve, Equine Chronicle, Futurity, Horse, Horses, Karen Hornick, Lee Reeve, NSBA, Quarter, riding, showing, Vino, Western Pleasure, World Show

When a legendary athlete retires, his team retires his jersey. When a multiple-time World Champion Western Pleasure horse retires, his team retires his shoes. A Certain Vino’s (Vino) four horseshoes were ceremoniously pulled during a retirement celebration held during the AQHA World Championship Show in Oklahoma City this past November. “There’s no doubt that Vino […]
By Corrine Borton on January 16, 2017
american quarter horse, AQHA, Convention, hunter under saddle, NSBA, Quarter Horse Congress, riding, showing, Western Pleasure, World Show

All AQHA members are invited to attend the 2017 AQHA Convention, March 17-20 at the Grand Hyatt in San Antonio. AQHA invites members to attend a fun and exciting 2017 AQHA Convention, March 17-20 at the Grand Hyatt in San Antonio. This year’s convention will welcome back the equine industry business workshop and industry issues town-hall […]
By Corrine Borton on January 4, 2017
american quarter horse, AQHA, Breeding, Championship, Congress, Equine Chronicle, Horse, hunter under saddle, Quarter, riding, showing, World Show
The AQHA Professional Horsemen’s Council raised $10,900 for the AQHA Processional Horsemen’s Crisis Fundthrough an online auction that took place during the 2016 Lucas Oil AQHA World Championship Show. The highest selling item, a breeding to Allocate Your Assets, which was donated by Searles Ranch and Katherine K. Tobin, sold for $2,000.There were a total of […]
By Corrine Borton on January 4, 2017
american quarter horse, AQHA, Congress, Darcy Mitchell, Futurity, Horse, hunter under saddle, NSBA, Pennsylvania, Quarter Horse Congress, Randy Mitchell, riding, Western Pleasure, World Show

Keep your eye on Randy Mitchell as he’s coaching clients in the show pen and you can easily tell if they are having a good ride. If he adjusts his ball cap and it gets lower on his head…things are not going well. It’s an inside joke,” Mitchell said. “That’s what I love about my […]
By Corrine Borton on January 4, 2017
american quarter horse, AQHA, Breeding, Championship, Congress, Equine Chronicle, Horse, hunter under saddle, Hylton Maiden, Louderback, Quarter Horse Congress, riding, Schroeder, showing, Western Pleasure, World Show

To his owner, Russ Louderback, Extremely Hot Chips is bigger than life. So much so that when the Executive Vice President of White Lodging, a large hotel owner/developer from Northwest Indiana, was selected to grace the cover of Hotel Business Design recently, he opted for a photograph of himself aboard the 2006 chestnut Quarter Horse […]
By Corrine Borton on December 20, 2016
AjPHA, American Paint Horse, APHA, Equine Chronicle, Horse, Horses, NSBA, riding, showing

With the New Year just around the corner, don’t let the holiday hustle cause you to miss out on important APHA deadlines. Here are 5 items to check off your list by Dec. 31: Register your horse All horses turn a year older on Jan. 1—and because registration fees are based on age, that might […]
By Corrine Borton on December 20, 2016
american quarter horse, Horse, Horses, kari grefsrud, NSBA, Quarter Horse Congress, riding, sarah rosciti, showing
Features, Uncategorized

So, you saved and sacrificed and finally you managed to purchase that show partner you hope will take you to the top. But now there’s no money left for a shiny new saddle to ride in. What can you do? Maybe you can put it on a credit card. But there may be another option. […]
By Corrine Borton on December 8, 2016
amateur, American Paint Horse, american quarter horse, APHA, Equine Chronicle, Horse, hunter under saddle, judges, qualifying, riding, showing, Western Pleasure

Exciting new changes are coming to the American Paint Horse Association (APHA) Amateur program in 2017, thanks to rule changes adopted by the APHA Board of Directors at the 2016 APHA Convention. Make sure you are informed on the latest modifications by reading up on the changes below. The APHA Amateur divisions have changed. Amateur: any […]
By admin on May 24, 2016
american quarter horse, AQHA, Horse, Horses, Pennsylvania Quarter Horse, PQHA, Quarter, riding, showing, Summer Kickoff
Candids, Features

The Pennsylvania Quarter Horse Association welcomed exhibitors to Centre Hall May 20- 22 for its Summer Kick Off Show Circuit. “This show is inviting to the little guy but we have the class size to supply the points that our contestants came to get,” said Terri Clark, show manager. Show management tested out new technology […]
By admin on April 18, 2016
american quarter horse, AQHA, Carly Epp, Knabenshue, Level 1, qualifying, Quarter, riding, showing, TCU, World Show

When Carly Epp first moved from her home in Ontario, Canada to attend Texas Christian University, all she wanted to do was fit in, she didn’t even care about showing. But with the help of trainers, Will and Elizabeth Knabenshue, she has learned the benefits of standing out. Born and raised in Brampton, Ontario, 22-year-old Epp has had […]