By admin on March 18, 2016
american quarter horse, AQHA, Futurity, Horses, Las Vegas, Nevada, Paint Horse, riding, showing, Silver Dollar
Candids, Features

The lights of the Vegas Strip were the perfect backdrop for this year’s 40th annual Silver Dollar Circuit held each year at the Southpoint Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. The show features a full slate of AQHA classes from March 15-20, 2016. According to show manager, Jan Bruner, both stalls and entries are […]
By admin on February 29, 2016
American Paint Horse, APHA, Breeders Trust, Horse, Horses, Paint, Paint Horse, riding, showing

If you’re anxiously checking your mailbox every day this time of year, it might be because you are one of the lucky ones to get a refund on your tax return. But APHA members have another reason to be looking for the postal truck: it’s Breeders’ Trust payback season, and as of February 26, the […]
By admin on February 29, 2016
AjPHA, APHA, Championship, Horse, Horses, riding, showing, World Show
Showing, Uncategorized

It’s that time again—start dreaming big, because the AjPHA Youth World Championship Show is right around the corner! Make plans to attend this year’s fun-filled event by first checking out the tentative Youth World Show schedule available online at The Youth World Championship Show takes place June 27–July 9 in Fort Worth, Texas. Youth World Show […]
By admin on February 5, 2016
All Around, american quarter horse, AQHA, High Point, Horse, Horses, qualifying, riding, showing

High-point standings for 2015 are finalized and the all-around high-point horses and exhibitors are named. The American Quarter Horse Association recognizes hardworking individuals and their American Quarter Horses at the end of each year through the Association’s high-point awards. With the introduction of AQHA leveling in 2014, the Association now is able to recognize more individuals and […]
By admin on February 5, 2016
APHA, Germany, Horse, Horses, judges, Paint Horse, riding, Seminar, showing

APHA is heading to Germany this spring to conduct a European Judges Seminar, taking place April 5-10 in Grosswallstadt, Germany. A biennial event, the seminar is open to current judges, judge applicants and APHA members interested in learning more about judging. The seminar is jointly organized by APHA, the American Quarter Horse Association, the Appaloosa […]
By admin on February 2, 2016
american quarter horse, AQHA, Championship, Farnam, Level 1, Level 1 Championship, qualifying, Quarter, riding, showing

The American Quarter Horse Association is pleased to announce Farnam as the title sponsor of the new Farnam Central AQHA Level 1 Championships. The 2016 Farnam Central AQHA Level 1 Championships is slated for April 13-17 at the State Fair Park in Oklahoma City. Farnam is your partner in horse care, serving both the pleasure […]
By admin on February 2, 2016
american quarter horse, AQHA, EHV-1, Equine Herpesvirus, Horse, Horses, riding, showing, Southwest Quarter Horse Association

The Southwest Quarter Horse Association’s February shows will be postponed due to equine herpesvirus type-1 concerns. The two shows will be moved to be held along with the existing March and April shows. SOUTHWEST QUARTER HORSE FEBRUARY SHOWS Shows scheduled for February 6-7 in Las Cruces, New Mexico, have been postponed due to EHV-1. SOUTHWEST QUARTER […]
By admin on January 25, 2016
AQHA, Barbara's Custom Hats, cowboy hats, hats, Horses, Kendall's Western Hats, riding, Shorty's Caboy Hattery, showing, style, western hats

It’s been said that a western hat speaks volumes about the person wearing it. The height and crease of the crown and the size and shape of the brim provide clues to the wearer’s event of choice. Color and accents offer insight into the rider’s personality and style. In the show pen, the western hat […]
By admin on January 5, 2016
AQHA, Convention, Horses, Las Vegas, riding

The American Quarter Horse Association is an organization that works for its members. Each spring, AQHA holds an annual convention to review member-submitted rule changes, appoint new AQHA directors, induct new members into the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame and present year-end awards. The 2016 AQHA Convention is March 11-14 at the South Point […]