By Corrine Borton on July 14, 2018
Equine Chronicle, Gohorseshow, Golden Horse, Horse, NSBA, Palomino, PHBA, PHBA Youth, Show, World Show

If you have ever wanted to compete at the Palomino Youth World Show but were afraid you didn’t have enough experience to be successful, you will want to hear about Stephanie Brown and Landon Battey. Stephanie is just 11 years old and from Sanger, Texas. Landon is 13 and hails from Wilton, Iowa. Both are […]
By Corrine Borton on March 10, 2017
Horse, Pinto, PtHA, Show, World Show

The Pinto Horse Association is planning the largest gathering of Pintos for the 52nd annual Pinto World Championship show June 12-24, at the Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The 13-day show hosts equines and exhibitors from around the globe. Exhibitors will compete for world titles, rosette ribbons, belt buckles and many more awards. […]
By Corrine Borton on November 10, 2016
APHA, AQHA, Betsy Tuckey, Bob Kail, Debbie Kail, Equine Chronicle, Hansch, John Tuckey, Judge, Nancy Sue Ryan, NSBA, Rebecca Halverson, Show

Show managers say they are finding that with the popular split/combined and multiple judge format shows, it works for them to hire a husband/wife judging couple to officiate at their shows. There are several advantages for a show to hire a couple – they can share a hotel room and they can cut travel expenses […]