Western Pleasure

Horse Treats: Owners share their secrets to making your own delicious creations at home

Horse Treats: Owners share their secrets to making your own delicious creations at home

As a Pre-K to 5th level STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) teacher at Horry County Schools in Conway, South Carolina, Christine Smith McClure is always looking for a way to show her students how to engineer a fix for problems that arise daily. It’s key to providing them with critical thinking and problem-solving skills. […]

Top Gunn: From a successful career in the show pen to a promising future in the breeding shed

Top Gunn: From a successful career in the show pen to a promising future in the breeding shed

                  He is the top National Snaffle Bit Association (NSBA) Open Western Pleasure money earner with over $1.3 million in lifetime earnings. So when Rusty Green selects, trains and shows a young contender, people pay attention. The industry pays attention. That’s exactly the case with the young Western Pleasure sire Top Gunn (Cruz), a 2020 […]

Rippeon Sisters: Reaching their goals in the show industry side-by-side

Rippeon Sisters: Reaching their goals in the show industry side-by-side

Bestselling children’s author JK Rowling, who penned the Harry Potter novels once said that “family is a life jacket in the stormy sea of life.” Sisters Allie and Madeline (Maddie) Rippeon, of Mount Airy, Maryland would agree. As fierce competitors on the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) and National Snaffle Bit Association (NSBA) show circuits Maddie, 17, […]

Batt Man: A Congress Champion, a leading AQHA Western Pleasure Sire and now a $1M producer

Batt Man: A Congress Champion, a leading AQHA Western Pleasure Sire and now a $1M producer

If you ever watched the 2005 movie “Batman Begins,” starring Christian Bale, you surely recall the line “It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do, that defines me.” Back then, Batt Man, an American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) leading sire of Western Pleasure contenders wasn’t even born yet. But all of the astute […]

Waffle House sold to Glover Galyean Partnership

Waffle House sold to Glover Galyean Partnership

The Glover Galyean Partnership (Jim and Debbie Glover, and Wes and Kristen Galyean) is thrilled to announce the acquisition of one of the most decorated Western pleasure horses in the industry, Waffle House. This remarkable mare, a multiple AQHA World, NSBA World and Congress Champion, has captured the attention and admiration of equestrian enthusiasts everywhere. […]

Back To Square One: Successful trainers offer tips on how to overcome training roadblocks

Back To Square One: Successful trainers offer tips on how to overcome training roadblocks

Sometimes, no matter what the discipline, a show horse hits a brick wall in the training process and just fails to perform at the level expected. There are many potential reasons for the change – stress, horse show burnout, a change in rider or discipline. The first thing that needs to happen is that any […]

Heres To The Blue: Tali Terlizzi has big plans for this young Hunter Under Stallion in the show pen as well as the breeding shed

Heres To The Blue: Tali Terlizzi has big plans for this young Hunter Under Stallion in the show pen as well as the breeding shed

Anyone with even the slightest bit of experience in the show pen knows that there are many variables that go into the making of a champion. Conformation and genetics have big roles. And of course there’s the training aspect. But when you start with an animal that is a natural things just seem to fall […]

March To The Arch moving to Abilene

March To The Arch moving to Abilene

March To The Arch organizers Doug and Tara Landon recently announced that the annual American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) sanctioned circuit will be moved to Abilene, Texas in 2025. The show management was notified in August that the Will Rogers Coliseum in Fort Worth, where the show has been held since 2021 would not be […]

NSBA sale average $17,490

NSBA sale average $17,490

The National Snaffle Bit Association hosted its annual NSBA Markel Insurance Breeders Championship Futurity Yearling Sale on Friday, August 16, during the 2024 NSBA World Championship Show and Breeders Championship Futurity. The sale saw 104 yearlings pass through the sale ring. The 2024 sale saw an average of $17,490 per head, and generated a sale […]

Osteoarthritis and the senior horse

Osteoarthritis and the senior horse

Chronic pain and lameness resulting from osteoarthritis (OA) and other musculoskeletal conditions are the most common causes of poor quality of life in senior horses. Priorities for senior horse care include early intervention for health challenges (including OA) and making management changes as needed.  This means honing your skills for recognizing pain in an animal […]

Versatility Challenge at the AQHA World Show

Versatility Challenge at the AQHA World Show

Some of the most talented 3-year-old American Quarter Horses will demonstrate their versatility at the AQHA Pleasure Versatility Challenge, held during the 2024 AQHA and Select World Championship Shows in Oklahoma City. Total purse for the event, scheduled for 6 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 16, is anticipated to be $50,000, plus prizes again in 2024. […]

AQHA stallion Hot Diggity Joe passes at age 26

AQHA stallion Hot Diggity Joe passes at age 26

Multiple  Congress Champion and Reserve American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) World Champion producer Hot Diggity Joe was humanely euthanized on Friday in Ocala, Florida, following a brief battle with congestive heart failure. The 1998 sorrel stallion, sired by Blazing Hot and out of Jodie Fivette, was bred by and owned his entire life by Kerry […]

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