Talk to people who know amateur competitor Taylor Kungle and you will hear a lot about how competitive she is. They will tell you she owns several nice show horses and she really enjoys trying new events.
But what a lot of people don’t know about Taylor is that what really motivates her – her driving force you might say – is her connection to her animals.
Tara Buckley and her husband, Buster, have been coaching Taylor since 2017 and in recent years they have taken over management of most of Taylor’s operation – and it’s a massive undertaking for sure. Over those years new horses have joined the program and new events have been added. There have been some setbacks and there’s been tremendous success. But there’s one thing that has always remained the same.
“Taylor loves to compete and she is very driven, but ultimately she is there because she loves her horses,” Tara explained. “We try our hardest to make sure her horses are performing to the best of their ability. Taylor ensures that they are receiving the best care both on the road and at home, which I think contributes to a lot of her success in the show ring.”
Taylor had already been captain of her English International Horse Show (IHSA) team at Connecticut College for two years and was an accomplished open rider when her coach there referred Taylor to the Buckleys.
Taylor was hoping to compete in some of the western IHSA shows during her last semester of school and initially went to Buckley Quarter Horses in Preston, Connecticut, just to get a few lessons. She quickly took interest in competing in American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) events and began showing with them that summer.

“Coming from a jumping background, Taylor has a solid core and strong leg,” Tara explained. “She is a very versatile rider who can compete on a variety of horses in different events. Her ability to switch between classes makes her an excellent all-around competitor.”
And so, the journey began.
Since the Buckleys were already accomplished Western Pleasure trainers Taylor got her start in AQHA competition in that discipline as well as in Halter and Horsemanship. Soon Taylor was itching to try more. With her background in the hunter-jumper world, Hunter Under Saddle and Equitation classes were inevitable.
In 2018 Taylor’s family purchased Falls Creek Farm, a world class equestrian facility in Sterling, Connecticut. The Buckleys moved their training operation there and they got busy turning it into a busy operation that includes boarding, training and site of shows of all types. All the while, they maintaied a busy schow schedule themselves, which included competition at some of the country’s most competitive events, like the Quarter Horse Congress and National Snaffle Bit Association’s World Championship Show.
By the time 2019 rolled in Taylor had her sights set on yet more events. She had gotten a taste of Ranch Riding and Versatility with Lil Ruf Peppys Gun, a 2012 sorrel mare by Gunners Special Nite out of Poco Peppys Girl and Pretty Lil Sioux, a 2014 Palomino mare by A Shiner Named Sioux and out of Smartly Dressed.

In February, Taylor purchased Krymsun Belle, an AQHYA World Champion in Showmanship, a two-time AQHYA Reserve World Champion in Horsemanship, a four-time Congress Champion in Showmanship and a two-time Reserve Congress Champion in Horsemanship, from Shannon and Mallory Vroegh. The 2011 sorrel mare by One Hot Krymsun and out of Miss Mega Cash, had 1,074 points in seven different events.
“Belle has always been stunning and really draws your eye,” Taylor said. “I thought she was beautiful, smart, and versatile.”
With so much obvious talent in Showmanship, Taylor thought she would be just the right show partner to help her master that discipline as well.
“I loved how accomplished she was in Showmanship, as I was less experienced in that and we knew she would help me learn,” Taylor said. “I also liked her small size. She’s very smart and great at patterns, especially Showmanship.”
Her instincts proved correct right from the start as Taylor and Belle started having immediate success in both Showmanship and Horsemanship.
They were All-Around Level 2 Amateur Champions at the Silver Dollar Circuit, Level 1 Horsemanship Circuit Champions at the Arizona Sun Circuit; Amateur All-Around Champions at the AQHA Level 1 East Championship Show; Circuit Champions in Level 1 Showmanship and Horsemanship at the Big A Circuit. They capped off the year with a Reserve Championship in Level 1 Showmanship at the Quarter Horse Congress
“She is very sweet on the ground and loves cookies and treats,” Taylor explained. “She is a prima donna and doesn’t like when the other horses bother her when she’s resting. She also loves being taken for walks and being fussed over.”
Also new this year to Taylor’s show string is Wimpys Major Affair (Fabio), a 2009 Palomino gelding by Wimpys Little Step. Teamed with Virginia trainer Steve Meadows, Wimpys Major Affair, won the Senior Ranch Riding at the 2017 Quarter Horse Congress.
“I actually had been stalking Fabio for about a year and a half before I purchased him,” Taylor said. “The timing was just never right.”

But just as the 2019 Congress was starting, Tara and Steve worked out a purchase agreement and Taylor showed Fabio to a Congress Championship in Level 1 Amateur Ranch Riding. They also placed eighth in Amateur Ranch Riding.
“Steve was great to work with and helped me get to know him in the short three days before we showed,” Taylor said. “I was really honored to win at the Congress, That was a really special day with an incredibly cool horse, and I was so thrilled to have things go so well at my last year in the Novice Amateur. Fabio was so good to me and I am so grateful for him.”
Taylor considers Fabio’s ground-covering movement and forgiving nature his greatest strengths.
“He is also gorgeous and draws your eye,” Taylor said. “He is very mouthy and loves apples and treats. He is forgiving and kind to ride.”
In addition to winning the Level 1 Amateur Ranch Riding at the Congress with Fabio, Taylor placed 13th with her other all-around show partner, Busted For Lopen Lazy, a 2012 bay gelding, by Lazy Loper and out of Absolutly Iam Zipped.
Taylor is pleased with her accomplishments in the show pen in 2019 and especially for her Congress Championship and Reserve Championship. But she is equally proud of placing third in the Non-Pro Ranch Trail Class at the NSBA World Show with Lil Ruf Peppys Gun (Madison).
“I have messed up dragging a log more times than you can imagine, in very public settings,” Taylor said. “Nonetheless, somehow everything came together that day, and we were all shocked I managed to place so well in an event that I usually fail miserably in.”
Maddy is one of Taylor’s favorites.
“She can do no wrong in my eyes, regardless of how she places,” she explained.

But she may be in for a little competition as Taylor recently purchased Congress Senior Hunter Under Saddle Champion, Sketchie Details to be her new Hunter Under Saddle partner. The 2012 bay gelding by Hot N Blazing previously owned by Nicole Kuklinski, already has an impressive show record. That plus his “beautiful trot and canter” sealed the deal for Kungle.
“He is very sweet, and loves to be turned out in his field next to our lesson ponies,” Taylor said. “He loves to play with them and is very cute trying to follow them around.”
As busy as Taylor and the Buckleys were this year with new shows, new horses and new classes, they still managed to pull off a monumental move.
In October Taylor’s family received an offer on Falls Creek Farm and the operation was sold. They took the opportunity to relocate in a warmer climate and purchased a new property in Hampstead, North Carolina. The new property, situated on 16 acres (mainly in pastures), just 25 miles outside of Wilmington, includes four barns housing up to 36 horses. It includes a 270-by-120-foot arena, and a covered round pen.
“The farm also backs along a creek and the views are beautiful,” Taylor said. “The new name, Breakwater Farm was inspired by the intercoastal waterway just one block away. Taylor moved her entire staff and operation to Breakwater Farm and the Buckleys moved their training operation there as well and added Jennifer Schulte as assistant trainer.
Taylor plans to continue building a strong lesson program at the new facility.
“I loved that about our old farm and look forward to seeing more kids and ponies at our new facility,” she said. “Watching lessons while I ride and seeing the kids discover the joy of trotting or cantering for the first time always makes my rides much more fun.”
Taylor’s team started moving to North Carolina in October and are still in the process of moving into houses and getting settled in.
Nicole Williams, will continue in her role as barn manager, and will oversee the day-to-day life of everything in the barn, from the show horses to the lesson ponies.

“Taylor assembled a great staff in Connecticut and we were lucky enough that everyone was able to relocate to North Carolina,” Tara said. “Taylor is a very generous person who treats everyone she works with like family. We all live together at the farm and see each other every day so we are very close. She loves to host dinners and is an amazing cook.”
Everyone is working hard to get everything done in time to venture out for the Florida Gold and Gulf Coast Circuits and ring in the new show season.
She will be showing Krymsun Belle and Busted For Lopen Lazy in All-Around classes and Sketchie Details in Hunter Under Saddle. Taylor will also continue to show Lil Ruf Peppys Gun, Pretty Lil Sioux and Wimpys Major Affair in the Ranch Riding and Versatility Ranch.
Additionally, Taylor will continue to show on the USEF circuit with her horses Linus and Boston, under the guidance of Jill Shulman, Sydney Shulman and Gabby Hero of Back Country Farm.
“I think we developed a solid foundation last year and Taylor is ready to take on some more challenging elements,” Tara said. “She has progressed so much in such a short time and I am really looking forward to helping her move up to the amateur division with her All-Around horses. I think the patterns will be a good challenge for her as she progresses in her riding.”
Taylor is just as excited for the new show season. Just don’t ask her what her favorite event is.
“I love the Ranch Riding,” she said. “It is beyond fun, the horses are so incredibly cool and really are a great representation of how versatile the Quarter Horses can be. All my Ranch Riding horses are so good minded and fun, and I love taking them on trail rides and playing around with them. I also love the Horsemanship and Showmanship, classes that are judged on the rider or handler. I like classes with patterns- you can pick your strengths to showcase and even if one tiny part doesn’t go as you planned, you can still make up for it. Outside of AQHA, the jumper ring is my favorite.”
So, what will she try next?
“I have been dying for a while now to try something with cows,” Taylor admitted. “Anything really – Boxing, Cutting, Working Cow, I am fascinated by all of them. I like going fast so events like that appeal to me.”
But, as Tara explained, Taylor’s driving force is her love for her horses – actually, all of her animals.“There are the stars of my cover this month, Ben and Jerry, my 2-year-old Bernese Mountain Dogs,” Taylor listed. “They are beautiful and they eat literally everything – socks, aluminum foil, towels, beds, etc. Sketchie is also in the background of my cover picture. In addition to Ben and Jerry, I also have Liz, my King Charles spaniel, who is perfect and goes everywhere with me. I love them all.”
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