68th National Appaloosa Show

photoThings are heating up in Texas at the 68th National Appaloosa Show. As the Open and Non-Pro week are coming to a close the Youth week is just getting started. Some highlights for the Non-Pro week include Kelly Lynn Sweeney and her horse Rumor Machine aka Prada or as her barn friends call her Prada Pea winning the 35 & over Non-Pro Showmanship and going back in two days later to capture the reserve national title in the non pro showmanship.

 This years showmanship patterns were tight with a lot of different maneuvers. ‘ I’m always up for a challenge and making the patterns tougher at a big show.’ Sweeney said. ‘ My favorite part of the pattern was the 180 to a back to a 180 then walk to the judge, my horse is a great backer so it really gave me a chance to show that part of my pattern off.’  Sweeney said. These two titles are extra special to Sweeney because she trains and does all the work on her showmanship horses from day one. ‘ To see all the hard work and long hours pay off is truly a dream come true.’ Sweeney said. ‘ Anyone that truly knows me knows I’m obsessed with the showmanship.’ Sweeney said.

I got to sit down with Kelley Lynn Sweeney and ask her a couple questions :

Q.) What movie character would best describe Prada Pea?

A.)Julia Roberts. She’s pretty, has a lot of heart and definitely has a sassy side to her that I absolutely love.

Q.) Biggest Mentor?

A.) Hands down Pat Odell, he is the hardest most self motivating person I have ever known. Pat loves working with people and is always looking to learn new techniques to better himself and his business. Pat inspires me to keep working hard no matter how good I think I may be, there’s always room for improvement.

Q.) Future plans for you and Prada Pea?

A.) To continue to work hard every day and to come back to the Appaloosa World Show in October and bring home a world title in Non Pro and 35&over Showmanship.

Another big Congratulations to Kelley and ‘Prada Pea’ on a great show and we look toward to seeing you at the World Show.

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