AQHA Drugs, Medications Guidelines

The health and well-being of the American Quarter Horse is the American Quarter Horse Association’s utmost concern. In accordance with AQHA’s mission statement, the American Quarter Horse shall be treated humanely, with dignity, respect and compassion at all times. The AQHA drug-testing program is designed to ensure that horses competing in AQHA competitions are doing so in a manner that will promote the safety and well-being of all horses competing and the enforcement of fair and equitable rules and procedures.

Each year, AQHA releases the AQHA Guidelines and Rules for Drugs and Medications. This educational resource is available online to serve as an addition to AQHA’s official medications rules set forth in the violations section of the AQHA Official Handbook of Rules and Regulations.

This resource, in addition to the AQHA Official Handbook of Rules and Regulations should be reviewed before attending any AQHA-approved event or show.

It is imperative to understand the AQHA Equine Drugs and Medications Rules and real-life application in practical situations. The purpose is to help accommodate legitimate therapy in compliance with the requirements of the rules.

Please note, these are only guidelines to serve as an educational supplement. It is important to consult a licensed veterinarian in determining whether a particular substance is required for the welfare of a horse and when determining the dosage appropriate for such horse under AQHA’s rules.   

In the event where a conditionally permitted medication is prescribed by a licensed veterinarian and is in the best interest for the well-being of the horse, a Medication Report Form can be filed with AQHA. The form must be completed in its entirety to be submitted. Once it’s submitted, you will receive an email with a copy of the form for your records that can be retained electronically.

Please advise, all sections of AQHA Rule VIO403 are still applicable when completing the online medication report form, including VIO403.8 regarding submitting the medication report within one hour after administration of the medication. If you submit a medication report online, you will not be required to also submit a physical form to show management in the show office onsite. Exhibitors will still be able to complete and submit hard-copy forms in the show office before a horse competes, should they choose that option.

For more information, review AQHA Rules VIO403.1 – VIO403.12, which are the requirements to authorize administration of a conditionally permitted therapeutic medication in the Official AQHA Rules & Regulation at

Disclaimer: Because the online version of the AQHA Rulebook can be updated throughout the year, it should be considered the most-current version of the AQHA Official Handbook of Rules and Regulations.

About the AQHA Drug and Medication Policy
The AQHA drug-testing program is designed to ensure that horses competing in AQHA events are doing so in a manner that will promote the safety and well-being of all horses competing and the enforcement of fair and equitable rules and procedures. AQHA’s policies concerning the administration of controlled substances are well documented as being among the most stringent in the equine industry. AQHA began drug testing at AQHA-approved shows in 1973 and was among the first equine breed association to do so.

View more about AQHA animal welfare at

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