By admin on June 7, 2021
Dr. Melissa Aceto, Equine Herpes
(IN) HEALTH, InStride Health

Recently the horse community has experienced an outbreak of Equine Herpes Myeloencephalopathy (EHM). Multiple outbreaks of confirmed cases of the neurological form Equine Herpes Virus – 1 (EHV-1) has recently resulted in the cancellation of all FEI sanctioned events for the remainder of the Spring in Europe, and has promoted stricter biosecurity measures in places […]
By admin on July 24, 2018

One of the most complex, yet most delicate parts of a horse’s body is their eye. Equine ophthalmologists report that eye injuries go unnoticed by owners often for far too long. Often eye injuries are minor and resolved quickly with minimal veterinarian intervention. However, a simple eye issue can turn into a severe problem very […]
By admin on May 25, 2018

American horse owners gain appreciation for UK-developed healthy forage treatment. Steam trains. Steamed vegetables. Getting all steamed up . . . We’re all familiar with “steam” in these contexts. But, steamed hay? Not so much. Until recently, that is. Although Haygain® Hay Steamers have been available for nine years, primarily in high performance circles throughout […]
By admin on September 20, 2017

Professional athletes meet with specialists and have custom made shoes to ensure they are set from the foundation up to do their best. Why do we give our equine athletes less than this type of treatment? Correct balance and shoe mechanics are imperative to, not only hoof health, but entire limb health. Too many of […]
By admin on September 7, 2017

One of the current trends within the show community currently is icing horses’ legs or using the cold salt water spas at major events. Cryotherapy, or cooling a limb below normal body temperatures for extended periods of time, is an old horse owner’s trick that has taken a new spin. For years, athletes, both humans […]
By Corrine Borton on November 26, 2016
PET scans, UC Davis, veterinary

It has been a busy past few months for the equine positron emission tomography (PET) program at the UC Davis veterinary hospital. The newly-acquired PET scanner was delivered as planned in early August, enabling UC Davis to become the first equine hospital to offer PET scans. Through August and September, six horses were scanned to test the scanner […]
By admin on June 20, 2016

After months of anxiously waiting, your foal is finally here. But with the arrival of your little one comes a whole new list of worries. What if my foal gets sick and how do I know when something is wrong? In this column we will discuss a few of the more common conditions affecting young foals, what to watch for, […]
By admin on May 23, 2016
(IN) HEALTH, Features

A horse dozing in a green pasture under the summer sun certainly conjures up a peaceful image in our minds. Ah, mid-day naps can be a wonderful thing. But when a seemingly healthy horse seems to suddenly wobble and buckle at the knees, and then snaps back to alertness, it may remind you of falling asleep in a high school science class […]
By admin on March 14, 2016

Among Quarter Horses and across many other disciplines and breeds, the most common cause of hind end lameness is arthritis of the lower hock joints. The hock is composed of multiple joints, including (from top to bottom) the tarsocrural and talocalcaneal joints, the proximal intertarsal joint, the distal intertarsal joint, and the tarsometatarsal joint. While […]
By admin on February 10, 2016

Preparation for the next breeding season often starts before welcoming in the New Year. This begins with putting your mare under lights. The mare is a seasonally polyestrus animal which means she undergoes regular heat cycles for a portion of the year. The mare will have her first heat cycle with increasing daylight duration in […]
By admin on January 4, 2016

Winter temperatures are finally here, and horse owners need to prepare for cold weather. Liz Arbittier, VMD, staff veterinarian in the Equine Field Service at Penn Vet’s New Bolton Center, offers six important tips to keep horses healthy and safe during the icy days of winter. 1. Provide adequate shelter: Horses can do fine living outside […]
By Megan Williams on May 18, 2015
(IN) HEALTH, InStride Health

Subchondral bone cysts of the medial femoral condyle (commonly referred to as stifle cysts) are a common cause of hind limb lameness in Quarter Horses. According to a 2012 Equine Veterinary Journal study evaluating young cutting horses by R.D. Contino, prevalence can be as high as 10-13.6 percent. There are two proposed causes: 1) Developmental […]