By admin on August 6, 2014

APHA recently sent nomination forms to regional clubs to begin the APHA Director election process for the 2015–2016 term. Club officers will submit your club’s endorsements for directors from your area, so be sure to contact them if you know someone who would represent your area well. APHA members may also submit an individual nomination. […]
By admin on August 3, 2014

There has always been a procedure in place for AQHA judges to follow when they encounter a horse being shown that is obviously lame. Now AQHA has a system in place to check every horse for obvious lameness prior to that horse entering the show pen. “We had a procedure in place for the judges […]
By admin on August 1, 2014

There’s nothing quite like the versatility of a Paint Horse to make a young rider dream big. Two Youth recently earned AjPHA’s highest honor: the Superior Youth Champion award. Sydney Schmidt and Alexandra Fink recently joined the ranks of only a handful of Youth who have achieved this honor since 1978. The Superior Youth Champion […]
By admin on July 31, 2014

Two, all-new Level 1 (formerly known as Green) stakes classes have been added as ancillary classes to the 2014 AQHA World Show schedule. A $5,000-added Level 1 western pleasure class is slated for Tuesday, November 18, and a $5,000-added Level 1 hunter under saddle class will be offered Friday, November 21. “We are very excited […]
By admin on July 21, 2014

AQHA Executive Vice President Don Treadway Jr. announces his intent to retire. Don Treadway Jr., the executive vice president of the American Quarter Horse Association, announced today his intent to retire in 2015. In making the announcement, Treadway wants to allow ample time to appoint a successor and ensure an orderly transition to not interrupt […]
By admin on July 19, 2014

COLUMBIA, S.C. – University of South Carolina equestrian coach Boo Major on Wednesday released the schedule for the upcoming 2014-2015 season, which marks the 19th season of varsity equestrian at Carolina. The reining back-to-back Southeastern Conference champions will compete in a 12-meet regular season slate that features six regular season meets against SEC opponents. “We […]
By admin on July 16, 2014

Special Online Auctions for Broodmares and Halter Prospects in July from Pro Horse Services The Broodmare Affaire and Halter Prospect Sale are two special Online Auctions offered in July, along with the July Online Auction, featuring 130 Top Quality Quarter Horses, Paint and Appaloosas. The bidding opens for all three sales on July 20. Bidding […]
By admin on July 15, 2014

The American Quarter Horse Association is excited to announce the judges and ring stewards for the 2014 AQHA Level 1 (Novice) Championships. The Nutrena East AQHA Level 1 Championship is tentatively scheduled for September 30 – October 5 in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The SmartPak West AQHA Level 1 Championship is tentatively scheduled for October 1-5 in Las Vegas.“Our goal is to bring […]
By admin on July 14, 2014

If you own a Paint Horse and live in the Pacific Northwest, take note: the inaugural Northwest Paint Horse Championship is where you’ll want to be August 14-17. Held in conjunction with the Zone 1 Zone-O-Rama in Albany, Oregon, the Northwest Paint Horse Championship features a slate of specially selected classes to recognize and reward new Paint […]
By admin on July 11, 2014

The deadline to apply for fall AQHA internships is July 19. AQHA is proud to offer two paid internships for the fall of 2014. AQHA offers an online communications and publications internship and a marketing and publicity internship: AQHA Online Communications and Publications Internship The online communications and publications intern contributes to the management of […]
By admin on July 9, 2014

There’s simply something special about children and their horses, and that was certainly evident at the 2014 AjPHA Youth World Championship Show June 28–July 5 in Fort Worth, Texas. Held in conjunction with the NSBA Color of Money show June 24–26, tons of Paints and their young exhibitors converged on Cowtown to vie for the […]
By admin on July 9, 2014

Itching to see a change in the Official APHA Rule Book? Do you have an idea you want to see in action? This is your chance to make your suggestions heard, connect with other APHA members and be a leader for the association. If you have a rule change you want to implement, submit your Rule […]