Hansen focuses on needs of clients, horses

Micah Hansen and To Cool To Be Hot

Gretna, Nebraska professional trainer Micah Hansen believes that every horse and person has a way that they like to learn and it’s his job to figure out what exactly that is.

“I try not to make every horse’s program the same,” he said.

That philosophy has served Hansen well as he has navigated the path from buying his first pony at the age of 8 to establishing and building a training operation of his own that specializes in developing American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA), American Paint Horse Association (APHA) and National Snaffle Bit Association (NSBA) all-around contenders.

But the journey has not come without some twists and turns along the way.

Hansen grew up in Laurel, Nebraska and became involved in the show horse world when he got a 2-year-old project horse from Rich Erwin.

In high school, he was active in cross country and FFA then went off to the University of Nebraska Lincoln (UNL) to study animal science and compete on the school’s intercollegiate Equestrian and Judging teams. After earning his Bachelor of Science degree in 2006 he prepared some horses for Judy Pryor’s dispersal sale and people started sending him horses to train, so he launched his own training business.

Micah Hansen and Irresistibly Hot

“When I started my business, I didn’t really even know that I was going to be a trainer,” he admitted. “I was just fresh out of college and didn’t have a job lined up.  Training horses fell into my life and I would say it chose me.”

After moving the operation a few times, Hansen and his wife, Christi, whom he met while he was a member of the UNL Equestrian Team, purchased a 43-stall barn on 18 acres in 2013. The facility includes an indoor arena along with two outdoor pens and 2 round pens, a hot walker and several dry lots.

“We have around 70 horses on our property that consist of training horses, boarders, and mares and babies,” Hansen said.

Over the years Hansen has had the opportunity to train and or show such decorated show horses as Loping In The Knight, NSBA Reserve World Champion, AQHA Bronze World Champion and multiple Congress Top 10 awards; Irresistibly Hot, NSBA Reserve and Bronze World Champion, APHA Reserve World Champion and numerous Top 10 awards at the AQHA World Show; Lopin On A Goodbar, NSBA World Champion, Multiple Congress Reserve Champion and AQHYA Bronze World Champion; A Certain Chex, APHA World Champion and NSBA multiple Top 10 award winner; A Special Invite, AQHYA World Champion and Reserve Congress Champion; and Congress Champion One Exclusive Cookie.

Micah Hansen and Loping In The Knight

“I haven’t worked under anyone but I have ridden with a lot of people and continue to this day to get help and lessons from some of the best in the industry,” he explained.

Hansen also enjoys coaching Non-Pro competitors as well as “anybody who would like some help or advice.  I will answer any question someone has to the best of my ability,” he said.

To date, Hansen has coached non-pros to AQHA, NSBA, APHA and Congress Championships and Reserve Championships.

His favorite part of the job is working with the young horses and teaching them the Trail and Western Riding. 

“I love to get both horses and humans to their highest potential,” he explained.

Micah with his wife, Christi; son, Colten; and daughter, Laiken.

And what’s the worst part of his job?

“That would have to be the long drive after a show is done and wanting to get home to my kids,” he explained.

Micah and Christi have two children, Colten 12, and Laiken 9.

“I love to be a dad and be involved in my kids’ sports,” Hansen said.  “I also love to attempt to play golf and hunt.”

Family is important to Micah. He says he still remembers the advice is dad gave him a while back.

“He told me to make sure that you work hard but never forget your family,” Hansen said.

You can reach Hansen by calling (402) 430-2534 or visit the Hansen Show Horses website at www.Hansenshowhorses.com. You can also connect with him via the Hansen Show Horses/Fairview Stables Facebook page.

Open Profiles are part of InStride Edition’s editorial content. If you know someone who would make a good subject for a professional profile email Corrine Borton, Editor, at: CorrineBorton@InStrideEdition.com.

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