Novice Championship Health Requirements

nov-amateur-showmanship-1.ashx_-300x200Before exhibitors and their American Quarter Horses land in Las Vegas or Murfreesboro, Tennessee, for the 2013 AQHA Novice championship shows, they are encouraged to read the equine health requirements for each event.

SmartPak AQHA West Novice Championship Show

To enter the grounds of the South Point Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, transporters of horses of both Nevada and out-of-state origin must provide the following documentation:

• Certificate of veterinary inspection issued within the past 45 days of the arrival (otherwise known as a “health certificate”)

• Negative equine infectious anemia test, also known as a Coggins test, within the past six months; the test date, accession number and name of laboratory must be listed on the certificate of veterinary inspection

A horse may only enter the South Point grounds without a health certificate if it is accompanied by two alternative documents:

1). a valid equine interstate passport or equine identification card and
2). a completed VS Form 10-11 showing negative results to an official EIA test within the previous six months.

These are the requirements for the state of Nevada. For horses being transported through other states on their way to the SmartPak West Novice Championship, we suggest that in addition to these health requirements, owners should consult the health requirements of the state(s) through which their horse is traveling. A list of veterinary services area offices from across the United States can be found

Nutrena AQHA East Novice Championship Show

All horses entering the Tennessee Miller Coliseum grounds (with the exception of foals less than 6 months of age in the company of their EIA-negative dam) must be accompanied by a negative Coggins test (which tests for equine infectious anemia) that was conducted within the preceding 12 months.

Horses traveling into Tennessee from other states must also present a certificate of veterinary inspection that was issued within the preceding 30 days of arrival. The inspection report must include a description, date of negative EIA results, lab and accession number. Show management will not allow horses without such proof to participate in the event, or to congregate with other horses. The owner of each animal, or his agent, will be responsible for meeting these requirements. These are the requirements for the state of Tennessee.

For horses being transported through other states on their way to the Nutrena East Novice Championship, we suggest that in addition to these health requirements, owners should consult the health requirements of the state(s) through which their horse is traveling. A list of veterinary services area offices from across the United States can be found at

As a proud sponsor of the Nutrena AQHA East Novice Championship Show, Nutrena delivers optimum nutrition, exceptional health and world-class performance for your animals. Whether you keep animals around for fun, competition or work, you can trust Nutrena to provide the right nutritional solutions. A proud sponsor of the SmartPak AQHA West Novice Championship Show, SmartPak is the official supplement feeding system and joint supplement supplier of AQHA. When you pack for the trail, show or race, make sure you include the patented SmartPak supplement feeding system. AQHA members can save 5 percent on all purchases at SmartPak. Learn more about SmartPak’s products and how to save today!

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