By admin on January 21, 2016
Adria, AQHA, Breeding, Gumz, Horse, Horses, NSBA, Seaside, Smith, These Irons Are Hot, World Show
Breeding, News

Adria Smith, of Seaside Farm, Plano, Texas, has announced she will donate of a portion of each 2016 breeding fee for her stallion, These Irons Are Hot, to the National Snaffle Bit Association’s Foundation for it’s Heroes on Horses and Equestrians with Disabilities programs. “The NSBA Foundation Heroes on Horses touches a place in […]
By admin on January 21, 2016
american quarter horse, animal welfare, AQHA, AQHA Animal Welfare Commission, AQHA Executive Committee, Horses, steward program

A change is coming to American Quarter Horse Association competitions, as modifications to the AQHA stewards program roll out in 2016. Under these modifications, stewards will now be assigned to specific regions, will no longer be permitted to actively show in AQHA competition and will be required to attend steward seminars to expand their knowledge […]
By admin on January 20, 2016
2016, AQHA, Championships, Horses, Level 1, Novice, qualifying, Quarter

The entry forms for all three 2016 American Quarter Horse Association Level 1 Championships can now be found online. Unlike past years, the entry forms will not be sent individually and instead can be accessed by visiting Exhibitors should take note that all entry forms must be sent in prior to the championship show […]
By admin on January 18, 2016
amateur, AQHA, coaching, Horses, riders, select

“I thought I’d killed Judy,” said AQHA Professional Horseman, John Konecne, of Greenfield, Iowa. Konecne was recalling a few years ago, when he first realized that Select exhibitors might benefit from a change in his thinking as their trainer and coach. He was schooling Judy Perry, one of his Amateur Select clients, and her mare […]
By admin on January 14, 2016
AQHA, Arizona, Horses, Jeff Kirkbride, showing, Sun Circuit, West World
Candids, Features

The Arizona Sun Circuit is in full swing in Scottsdale and this year there is more money up for grabs than ever before. Presented by the Arizona Quarter Horse Association and managed by Doug Huls, the show offers a full array of classes approved by the AQHA, National Snaffle Bit Association and National Reining Horse […]
By admin on January 6, 2016
AQHA, Brandy, Halladay, Horses

Brandy Halladay loves the learning process of preparing and showing horses. Growing up in Corvallis, Oregon, Halladay spent most of her time in the barn with her mother while she was taking classes in Equitation at Oregon State. “My parents were students at Oregon State and we lived on campus until I was almost 6. […]
By Katherine Jarve on January 5, 2016
AQHA, contracts, Horses, Law, Mati Jarve
InStride Law

While car commercials abound during this time of the year, most equine enthusiasts dream of a different kind of horse power. It’s no surprise that horse sales tend to increase this time of year. In recent years, trial periods in horse sales have become an increasingly popular option. However, while trial periods are designed to […]
By admin on January 5, 2016
AQHA, Bradac, Breeding, Horses, Hot Diggity Joe, Kerry Bradac, Leckey, Open For Suggestion, Ranch, Stallions
Breeding, Features

Kerry Bradac is quite accustomed to the highs and lows that are inevitable in the world of raising quality performance show horses. But at the end of the day nothing makes her heart smile more than seeing a newborn foal. “With every foal born, there are always new hopes and dreams,” she insists. And since […]
By admin on January 5, 2016
AQHA, Convention, Horses, Las Vegas, riding

The American Quarter Horse Association is an organization that works for its members. Each spring, AQHA holds an annual convention to review member-submitted rule changes, appoint new AQHA directors, induct new members into the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame and present year-end awards. The 2016 AQHA Convention is March 11-14 at the South Point […]
By admin on January 4, 2016
AQHA, Horses, Lucas Oil, qualifying, world, World Show

Following review and approval from the AQHA Executive Committee, the points required to qualify for the 2016 Lucas Oil AQHA World Championship Show have been announced. View the Lucas Oil World qualifying points. The qualifying period began August 1, 2015, and ends July 31, 2016. The Lucas Oil World returns to Oklahoma City November 3-19, […]
By admin on December 29, 2015
2015, AQHA, Coast, Florida, Fox, Gold, Gulf, Harrell, Horses, Lea, Mark
Candids, Features

The Florida Gold Coast Quarter Horse Circuit is held each year in Tampa, Florida at the Bob Thomas Equestrian Center. This year the show kicked off on Monday, December 28 with Western Pleasure, Horsemanship and Trail and will continue through Thursday, December 31. Taking over the management of the Florida Gold Coast Quarter Horse Circuit this year […]
By admin on December 23, 2015
AQHA, Carley, Dan, Horses, Invite Me Up, Rawlings, Yosurack

She’s only been riding for two years now but 16-year-old Carley Yosurack, of Indiana, Pennsylvania, couldn’t be more passionate about it. Her mom, Tammy Conroy, was very much involved with horses during her youth years, but had to take time off due to career and family obligations. “After 19 years she bought a new horse […]