By admin on February 1, 2016
american quarter horse, AQHA, Barbara Linke, Conformation Horse, Horse, Horses, WCHA, World Conformation Horse Association

The World Conformation Horse Association announced today that Barbara Linke has joined the Association as Administrative Consultant to further develop the growth and successes of the Association. “I am excited to work with the membership of the WCHA, said Linke. Having spent more than 32 years working in the equine industry, I am grateful for […]
By admin on January 29, 2016
american quarter horse, AQHA, Breeding, Cindy McCraw, Donnie and Cindy McCraw, exploratory colic surgery, Horse, Horses, My Final Notice, Riverside Ranch

For Cindy the dream started in Sultan Washington with the grand sire of My Final Notice, the legendary stallion Dynamic Deluxe. She traveled the nation with My Final Notice’s sire Dynamic in the Dark, to become the NSBA leading limited rider with the stallion being the leading two year old in the Nation that year. Carson was […]
By admin on January 29, 2016
all american quarter horse congress, AQHA, equitation, Futurity, Horses, NSBA, nyatt

The All American Quarter Horse Congress (AAHQC) is announcing the addition of Hunt Seat Equitation to the National Youth Activity Team Tournament (NYATT) competition during the AAQHC in October 2016. The NYATT is the most popular youth event at the All American Quarter Horse Congress. State and regional Quarter Horse Associations across the U.S. […]
By admin on January 29, 2016
APHA, AQHA, Certificate of Eligibility, Horses, NSBA, Quarter Horses

What is a Certificate of Eligibility? A Certificate of Eligibility is a new requirement for horses being shown in any NSBA class except for Dual Approved classes. If your horse is already enrolled in NSBA’s Breeders Championship Futurity or Stallion Incentive Fund License Program, you already have a Certificate of Eligibility. If your horse is […]
By admin on January 28, 2016
AQHA, Convention, Horse, Horses, las vegas AQHA Convention, quarter horse

The American Quarter Horse Association Awards Presentation and American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame Inductions banquets are just two of the many must-see events at the 2016 AQHA Convention, March 11-14 at the South Point Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. AQHA invites members to attend a fun and exciting convention this year. New at […]
By admin on January 28, 2016
AQHA, Horses, Ranch Horse, showing, Versatility

Exhibitors can look forward to an expanded offering of American Quarter Horse Association Versatility Ranch Horse classes in 2016. New this year, all AQHA shows can offer one or all seven Versatility Ranch Horse classes along with their regular roster of AQHA show classes. In VRH competition there are four categories and seven classes: Category […]
By admin on January 25, 2016
AQHA, Barbara's Custom Hats, cowboy hats, hats, Horses, Kendall's Western Hats, riding, Shorty's Caboy Hattery, showing, style, western hats

It’s been said that a western hat speaks volumes about the person wearing it. The height and crease of the crown and the size and shape of the brim provide clues to the wearer’s event of choice. Color and accents offer insight into the rider’s personality and style. In the show pen, the western hat […]
By admin on January 21, 2016
Adria, AQHA, Breeding, Gumz, Horse, Horses, NSBA, Seaside, Smith, These Irons Are Hot, World Show
Breeding, News

Adria Smith, of Seaside Farm, Plano, Texas, has announced she will donate of a portion of each 2016 breeding fee for her stallion, These Irons Are Hot, to the National Snaffle Bit Association’s Foundation for it’s Heroes on Horses and Equestrians with Disabilities programs. “The NSBA Foundation Heroes on Horses touches a place in […]
By admin on January 21, 2016
Horse, Horses, judges, NSBA

NSBA congratulates the following newly approved NSBA Judges: Cindy Butler – Caseyville, Illinois Charles Cannizzaro – Purcell, Oklahoma Timothy Jedra – Fort Collins, Colorado Valerie Kearns – Grayslake, Illinois Carmen Mayabb – Bethlethem, Georgia Keith McDonough – Redmond, Washington Carla McMullen – Norris, Tennessee Eric Petersen – Cannon Falls, Minnesota Mark Shaffer – Tioga, Texas Christina White […]
By admin on January 21, 2016
american quarter horse, animal welfare, AQHA, AQHA Animal Welfare Commission, AQHA Executive Committee, Horses, steward program

A change is coming to American Quarter Horse Association competitions, as modifications to the AQHA stewards program roll out in 2016. Under these modifications, stewards will now be assigned to specific regions, will no longer be permitted to actively show in AQHA competition and will be required to attend steward seminars to expand their knowledge […]
By admin on January 20, 2016
2016, AQHA, Championships, Horses, Level 1, Novice, qualifying, Quarter

The entry forms for all three 2016 American Quarter Horse Association Level 1 Championships can now be found online. Unlike past years, the entry forms will not be sent individually and instead can be accessed by visiting Exhibitors should take note that all entry forms must be sent in prior to the championship show […]
By admin on January 18, 2016
amateur, AQHA, coaching, Horses, riders, select

“I thought I’d killed Judy,” said AQHA Professional Horseman, John Konecne, of Greenfield, Iowa. Konecne was recalling a few years ago, when he first realized that Select exhibitors might benefit from a change in his thinking as their trainer and coach. He was schooling Judy Perry, one of his Amateur Select clients, and her mare […]