By Corrine Borton on October 25, 2019
AQHA, Debbie Trubee, North Farm, NSBA, Winnies Willy

AQHA stallion Winnies Willy was humanely euthanized today due to ongoing issues with laminitis, according to stallion manager Debbi Trubee. The 2004 by stallion by Willy Be Invited and out of the great producing mare Winnie The Tiger. He was purchased as a 2-year-old by Deborah Cook and shown by Trubee to a Superior in […]
By admin on February 7, 2018
Amy Gumz, AQHA, aqha stallions, Breeding, Dale Livingston, Debbi Trubee, DeGraff Stables, Equine Chronicle, Gohorseshow, Gumz Farm, horse breeding, North Farm, Pilot Knob, Stallions
Breeding, Features

With the new year comes yet more changes for today’s breeding climate. After significant overall drops in the number of foals registered with the American Quarter Horse Association over the past decade, the association recorded a slight uptick in breeding in its 2016 annual report. Stallion managers are hopeful that the fact that there were […]