By Corrine Borton on May 18, 2021
APHA, AQHA, Brad Borton Memorial Non-Pro Longe Line, NSBA, Tom Powers Futurity
Featured, Features, Uncategorized

In just three years the Brad Borton Memorial Fund has awarded over $28,000 in cash and prizes to the Top 10 highest placing competitors in the Limited Non-Pro Western Longe Line class at the Tom Powers Futurity, thanks to the generous donations from family members, friends and members of the horse show community. InStride Edition […]
By admin on November 24, 2020
Tom Powers Futurity

The Yearling Stakes Sale at the 2020 Tom Powers Christmas Challenge in Ocala, Florida, has been postponed to a later date, it was announced today. Organizers said the sale was postponed due to a lack of entries and that consignors will be contacted and entry fees will be refunded. The futurity, the first event to […]
By Corrine Borton on June 3, 2020
angie cannizzaro, AQHA, linda berwick, NSBA, Quarter Horse Congress, Tom Powers Futurity

Breeding horses might be viewed as work for some, but for Scott and Linda Berwick it is more like therapy. Horses provide the Ottawa, Ontario couple with peace and fulfillment in an otherwise hectic and demanding life. For the last 27 years, the Berwicks have owned and operated Scott Berwick Stairs Inc., which services the new […]
By Corrine Borton on May 22, 2020
APHA, AQHA, Brad Borton Memorial Longe Line, Fox Lea Farm, Tom Powers Futurity

The 40th Anniversary Tom Powers Futurity is moving again and will now be known as the Christmas Challenge. Restrictions placed on activities in Ohio by Governor Mike DeWine to curb the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic there have forced Tom and Dominique Powers to change the date and location of the longest continuously-running futurity in the […]
By admin on May 13, 2020
AQHA, Brad Borton Memorial Non-Pro Longe Line, NSBA, Tom Powers Futurity, World Equestrian Center

Organizers of the Brad Borton Memorial Limited Non-Pro Western Longe Line class are forging ahead with plans to run the class at this year’s Tom Powers Futurity even though it is not quite clear when horse shows, shut down since March due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, will resume. The class honors the memory of InStride Edition […]
By admin on May 12, 2020
AQHA, Madness, Tom Powers Futurity, World Equestrian Center

Experts predict that a second wave of the coronavirus is likely later this year. Given those predictions and after discussions with our state and local health officials, we have elected to close World Equestrian Center Ohio from Sept. 1, through March 31. Due to the facility’s enclosed environment, we believe this is the right thing […]
By admin on March 13, 2020
AQHA, Madness, Tom Powers Futurity, World Equestrian Center

As we continue to monitor the situation in our area, the World Equestrian Center management has chosen to limit horse show attendees to exhibitors, their immediate families and staff. This means no spectators or members of the general public will be allowed on the World Equestrian Center property in Wilmington, Ohio, until further notice. The […]
By Corrine Borton on February 18, 2020
ApHC, NSBA, Tom Powers Futurity, World Equestrian Center

It was a decision not taken lightly by Tom and Dominique Powers. The Triple Challenge is the industry’s longest continuously running pleasure futurity. It’s rich in history and was built, Tom says, out of his own passion for the sport. Tom’s first futurity was held at his own farm in Alda, Michigan in 1980 and […]
By Corrine Borton on August 11, 2019
Tom Powers Futurity

Tom Powers, founder of the Tom Powers Triple Challenge Futurity, the longest continuously-running futurity in the country, has announced that next year’s event will be held at the World Equestrian Center, Wilmington, Ohio. “After 35 years we can no longer depend on Berrien Springs to provide a suitable environment to continue our futurity,” Powers said. […]
By admin on August 3, 2017
Equine Chronicle, Futurity, Horse, Horses, hunter under saddle, NSBA, quarter horse, showing, Tom Powers, Tom Powers Futurity, tom powers sale, Western Pleasure

There’s a very good reason that the Tom Powers Triple Challenge is one of the largest and longest-running futurities in the world. Its founder keeps the focus directly on the owners and exhibitors. Each year, after the conclusion of the event, held the last week of June in Berrien Springs, Michigan, Tom Powers […]
By admin on July 24, 2017
Alan Parker, Alan Parker Auctions, all american quarter horse congress, american quarter horse, American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA, Breeding, Congress, Congress Super Sale, Equine Chronicle, Futurity, Gohorseshow, Horse, Horses, Jennings, NSBA, NSBA World Show, NSBA World Show Sale, Pro Horse Services, Professional Auction, Quarter, quarter horse, Quarter Horse Congress, showing, Tom Powers Futurity, tom powers sale, World Show

Although selling a horse in the current economic climate may not be as easy as it once was, breeders of show horses do have more methods open to them than ever before. Social media has made it easy to connect with potential buyers from across the globe. But the one method that has withstood […]
By Corrine Borton on January 19, 2017
Abi Owings Tuiasosopo, American Quarter Horse Association, AQHA, Bret Parrish, Candy Parrish, Congress, Equestrian, Futurity, Gohorseshow, Horse, Horses, Little Futurity, National Snaffle Bit Association, NSBA, quarter horse, riding, showing, The Way To Go, Tom Powers Futurity, Western Pleasure

These days, each time Abi Owings Tuiasosopo swings a leg over the back of a horse she closes her eyes and thanks the Lord for the opportunity to be in the saddle again. Because for a very long time that didn’t seem possible. Abi was seven years old when she discovered what made her feel […]