Western Pleasure

Harris Leather & Silverworks: Building family business for 50 years

Harris Leather & Silverworks: Building family business for 50 years

For many, a highlight of the All-American Quarter Horse Congress is walking down the red carpet of the one and only Congress Hall. It is an experience unlike any other; a horse lover’s shopping paradise. Amongst the assortment of booths and vendors, one thing always seems to stand out. Sitting on its own spinning pedestal, […]

Preview the Congress Super Sale entries on Friday

Preview the Congress Super Sale entries on Friday

Horse shoppers can watch the Preview of Sale horses offered in the 51st Annual Congress Super Sale on Friday Oct. 20, held with the All- American Quarter Horse Congress.   Shoppers will be treated to a Pig Roast luncheon during the sale preview beginning at noon in the Lausche Building at the Ohio Expo Center “Potential bidders attending […]

Batt Man changes ownership; standing 2018 season in Texas

Batt Man changes ownership; standing 2018 season in Texas

AQHA World and Congress Champion sire Batt Man has new owners and he will be standing the 2018 breeding season at Joan Schroeder’s Kiowa Ranch in Collinsville, Texas, it was announced this week. Trevor Barnes and Jack Creditt, both of Ohio, are now the owners of the 2006 bay stallion, sired by Good Version and […]

AQHA Stallion Gone Viral to Stand at Stud for 2018 Breeding Season

AQHA Stallion Gone Viral to Stand at Stud for 2018 Breeding Season

Due to such a high volume of interest in multiple NSBA World Champion Stallion, Gone Viral, owner Kari Craft of Greensboro, Georgia is excited to announce that he will be standing to a limited number of mares in 2018! “We are looking forward to not only watching this great horse make his mark as a […]

Silver Dollar Confirmed To Shine Again In February

Silver Dollar Confirmed To Shine Again In February

The Silver Dollar Circuit has solidified its February dates for next year.  Given the success of the past show and the benefits of having the Sun Circuit directly after, Director Jan Bruner has given the go ahead for next year’s dates.  Starting on Friday, February 23rd and ending on Wednesday the 28th, the Las Vegas […]

Zuidema tried out World Champion Al Wayz On Your Mind in yoga pants

Zuidema tried out World Champion Al Wayz On Your Mind in yoga pants

Al Wayz On Your Mind collected his third win at the National Snaffle Bit Association’s World Championship Show and Breeders Championship Futurity this week in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This time Katy Jo Zuidema rode the 2014 bay gelding to a win in the 3-Year-Old Novice Horse Hunter Under Saddle to get the competition started in the […]

NSBA World show sees repeat winners in Wednesday competition

NSBA World show sees repeat winners in Wednesday competition

The National Snaffle Bit Association made competition at its 2017 World Championship Show in Tulsa an early day on Wednesday as it prepared for its annual Awards Banquet held at the Doubletree Hotel. But there was still plenty of action in all three arenas as new World Champions were crowned and Breeders Championship Futurity winners […]

NSBA World Championship Show

NSBA World Championship Show

The National Snaffle Bit Association (NSBA) host its 12th Annual World Championship Show this week in Tulsa, Oklahoma. More than $500,000 in cash and prizes will be awarded and, in addition to the World Show classes, which are qualifying events, the NSBA Breeders Championship Futurity and Stakes classes will also be featured throughout the week. […]

Trail and Western Pleasure take center stage Tuesday in Tulsa

Trail and Western Pleasure take center stage Tuesday in Tulsa

It was a busy day Tuesday in the Super Duty Arena as Trail dominated the morning’s competition at the National Snaffle Bit Association’s World Championship Show and Breeders Championship Futurity in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Angela Wade ruled the Amateur Trail, with a total of 42 entries, by collecting both a Championship and Reserve Championship trophy. Wade […]

Orphan foal makes debut at NSBA World Show; Recap of competition

Orphan foal makes debut at NSBA World Show; Recap of competition

    He had a shaky start in life but on Monday a yearling gelding, orphaned at birth, fulfilled the dreams of his breeder and owner by making his show debut at the National Snaffle Bit Association’s World Championship Show in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Although he didn’t place in the Top 10 in the Open and […]

Tom Powers releases final results with payouts from this year’s futurity

Tom Powers releases final results with payouts from this year’s futurity

    There’s a very good reason that the Tom Powers Triple Challenge is one of the largest and longest-running futurities in the world. Its founder keeps the focus directly on the owners and exhibitors. Each year, after the conclusion of the event, held the last week of June in Berrien Springs, Michigan, Tom Powers […]

$70,000 payout for western pleasure and hunter under saddle at APHA World Show

$70,000 payout for western pleasure and hunter under saddle at APHA World Show

The Farnam Pleasure Stakes, Challenges and Sweepstakes classes for Western pleasure and hunter under saddle at the 2017 APHA Open/Amateur World Championship Show are more rewarding than ever. With the entry deadline fast approaching, don’t miss your chance to take home a piece of over $70,000 in added money and prizes earmarked for these events. Farnam […]

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