YEDA teams with NSBA

The National Snaffle Bit Association has announced that it has become the newest affiliate of the Youth Equestrian Development Association (YEDA).

“NSBA is excited to be a part of the Youth Equestrian Development Association. NSBA shared YEDA’s mission to provide an equestrian riding program for youth riders. We look forward to working together to grow the show horse community through team showing and continuing education,” said Stephanie Lynn, NSBA director of operations.

“For the past year conversations between our two organizations yielded what we believed to be a common goal in developing the youth in the equine industry. Last summer YEDA founding members traveled to the NSBA boot camp in Cloverdale to support youth equestrian education and advancement. We discovered how much we had in common with the goals of the NSBA. YEDA members and coaches were doubly excited to travel to the NSBA World show and compete in the first ever Youth Team Championship sponsored by the NSBA and to have an opportunity to win a bronze. Once again, the conversations began with the advantages of a strategic partnership and how together we could help both organizations bring coveted new youth to the horse industry,” said Ric Weitzel, YEDA co-founder.

For more information on the NSBA visit For additional information on YEDA visit 

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