By admin on January 1, 2015
Breeding, Features

With strong family ties as the backbone of their operation, John and Kathy Yarnelle of Fort Wayne, Indiana put a focus on raising and showing high quality horses. At their full-service state-of-the-art breeding and showing operation, Yarnelle Farms will be standing five stallions in 2015 including one of the American Paint Horse Association’s Leading Sires, […]
By admin on December 18, 2014
Breeding, Features

Hunters Ridge Farm is pleased to announce that frozen semen from the great, late Skys Blue Boy will be released to the public in limited quantities. The legendary Skys Blue Boy has an unparalleled sire record of more than 266 World and Reserve Championships in all divisions, including several champions named at the 2014 World […]
By admin on July 11, 2014

Know the basics of horse color genetics so you can easily determine your newborn foal’s color. Legend says that a red horse is fiery, a dun is tough and a white-legged horse is bad-footed. However, the wisest horsemen also say there is no such thing as a good horse that’s a bad color. There are […]
By admin on May 3, 2014
Breeding, Features

Full Medal Jacket is completing his first breeding season and owner Robin Baker could not be more pleased with the response he is getting. “I am so thrilled with how many mare owners took a chance on Full Medal Jacket this breeding season,” Robin Baker says. “I can’t wait to see what these great mares will […]
By admin on April 26, 2014
Breeding, Features

This marks the sixth breeding season since the Great Recession gripped the United States in 2008. There is no question, the economic downturn unseated the horse industry. Since 2008, breed associations have experienced fewer registrations. Although 2013 figures have not been released for all associations, three of the major breed associations have reported declining registrations […]
By admin on April 13, 2014
Breeding, News

DeGraff Stables standing Congress Champion Sire; Frosty The Goodbar, World Champions Sire; Hes A Cool Hotrod (AQHA/APHA), World Champions Sire; HBF Iron Man (AQHA/APHA), 3YO APHA Slot Champion/Homozygous; Invite The Artist (APHA), Futurity Champion; DGS IndyGo and our up and coming young stallion; PR Tells A Tale are excited about providing breeders with many options […]
By admin on April 3, 2014
Breeding, Features

Nestled in the small, Gulf Coast, Texas town of Hempstead is Mary Iris Webre’s farm, “Casa De Los Cielos,” where she raises top Western Pleasure and all around prospects. It is also the home of Chips Hot Chocolate, Admit It Im Good, Allured to Chocolate and Imcrusininahotrod. Many years ago, Webre fell in love with […]
By admin on March 25, 2014
Breeding, News

Today, the American Quarter Horse Association filed its Reply Brief to Plaintiffs’ Brief in the cloning lawsuit with the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Click here for a link to the Reply Brief. AQHA is very pleased with the work of its appellate team. The parties have requested oral argument before a Fifth Circuit panel of […]
By admin on March 22, 2014
Breeding, Features

Checking your mare every day and thinking the long awaited arrival of your new foal may be near? Raising babies can provoke excitement, hope and bliss from the possibility that a truly special foal may be born. On the flip side, many complications can occur during foaling and after birth. So while breeding is not […]
By admin on March 12, 2014
Breeding, Features

AL take you on the ride of a lifetime may have been what Allocate Your Assets, “Al,” a 2000 Bay Stallion by Protect Your Assets out of Kat Sass (TB), silently told trainers Jim and Deanna Searles the first time they saw him one day at the 2002 Red Bud Spectacular. Having bought Al sight […]
By admin on February 24, 2014
Breeding, Features

Are you still trying to decide the best match for your mare? When considering stallion choices, it is important to examine their futurity eligibility and if discounted breedings can be purchased through stallion service auctions, which enable an opportunity to acquire added futurity payouts. As many organizations throughout the country offer stallion service programs, it is […]
By admin on February 20, 2014

The birth mare had never been the warm and fuzzy type, even before she became pregnant. She was the dominant mare in the herd and routinely showed her alpha attitude toward other horses and people. Unfortunately, her abrasive behavior increased exponentially after she foaled. The combination of hardwired surliness and protective maternal instinct turned her into a stall shark. You […]