By Corrine Borton on April 20, 2022
american quarter horse, AQHA, Equine Chronicle, Flatout Kool, Horse, Horses, Jason English, NSBA, showing, Sudden Impulse Futurity, Suzan VonEssen, Western Pleasure, World Equestrian Center
Featured, Features

A lot has happened since Suzan VonEssen used to strap a pillow on her dad’s sawhorse to ride in the garage of her family’s Tarrytown, New York home. “I was a horse-crazy girl for sure,” she explained. “Anytime we were somewhere that had trail riding or horses to pet, I was there.” Then came college, […]
By Corrine Borton on April 29, 2021
A Sudden Impulse Futurity, AQHA, Carl Yamber, NSBA, Susan Scott, World Equestrian Center
Featured, Features

Some very special auctions are being featured during the A Sudden Impulse AQHA Show and Futurity at the Word Equestrian Center in Ocala, Florida on Friday, April 30. In a live auction, to start immediately following the trailer giveaway and just prior to the finals of 3-Year-Old Maiden Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle class, in […]
By admin on March 27, 2021
NSBA, The Championship Show, World Equestrian Center
Featured, Features

Mark your calendars for The Championship Show at World Equestrian Center, Ocala featuring an estimated purse of $1,670,000. The Championship Show runs from Sept. 29 through Oct. 24, and features a mix of AQHA and futurity classes. All futurity classes are NSBA approved and the first payments are due June 1. The event will compete with the All-American Quarter […]
By admin on May 13, 2020
AQHA, Brad Borton Memorial Non-Pro Longe Line, NSBA, Tom Powers Futurity, World Equestrian Center

Organizers of the Brad Borton Memorial Limited Non-Pro Western Longe Line class are forging ahead with plans to run the class at this year’s Tom Powers Futurity even though it is not quite clear when horse shows, shut down since March due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, will resume. The class honors the memory of InStride Edition […]
By admin on May 12, 2020
AQHA, Madness, Tom Powers Futurity, World Equestrian Center

Experts predict that a second wave of the coronavirus is likely later this year. Given those predictions and after discussions with our state and local health officials, we have elected to close World Equestrian Center Ohio from Sept. 1, through March 31. Due to the facility’s enclosed environment, we believe this is the right thing […]
By admin on March 13, 2020
AQHA, Madness, Tom Powers Futurity, World Equestrian Center

As we continue to monitor the situation in our area, the World Equestrian Center management has chosen to limit horse show attendees to exhibitors, their immediate families and staff. This means no spectators or members of the general public will be allowed on the World Equestrian Center property in Wilmington, Ohio, until further notice. The […]
By Corrine Borton on February 18, 2020
ApHC, NSBA, Tom Powers Futurity, World Equestrian Center

It was a decision not taken lightly by Tom and Dominique Powers. The Triple Challenge is the industry’s longest continuously running pleasure futurity. It’s rich in history and was built, Tom says, out of his own passion for the sport. Tom’s first futurity was held at his own farm in Alda, Michigan in 1980 and […]
By admin on March 28, 2017
Equestrian, golden ocala, Horse, Horses, Ocala, riding, showing, World Equestrian Center

The World Equestrian Center and Golden Ocala Golf & Equestrian Club has been approved for Phase One construction of the planned World Equestrian Center in Ocala. Construction has begun. Slated to host events in 2018, the new venue will be a world-class equestrian sports venue adjacent to the Golden Ocala Golf & Equestrian Club property. […]